


就像我呆在屋子里,孤独凄凉,除了火和我,除了烟囱和凳子,什么也没有,我举目望墙,在寂静的大厅里,除了几只闪闪发光的杯子和盘子,我什么也没看见,桌子和木凳,人们过去吃饭的地方;有一块彩布,上面写着一个古老的故事,我的思绪被灯光透过玻璃发现了。看到我所有的财富都被限制在这么一个小房间里,我感到很奇怪,但我不敢奢望更多的东西。我悲痛万分,这么一点积蓄竟成了我的全部;因为我忘记了我的安逸和健康,也没有想到手和眼睛,也没有想到灵魂和身体;我不把太阳、月亮、星辰和人当作我的,虽然它们在我周围发光;因此,我完全垮了。我想,我必须做一些更伟大的事情,直到我渴望的心灵看到,我才会哀叹我的贫穷;我愿得到一切赏赐,世上不可能没有爱或神;因为他的手创造了我,他不应该是无限的吗? Ten thousand absent things Did vex my poor and wanting mind, Which, till I be no longer blind, Let me not see the King of kings. His love must surely be Rich, infinite, and free; Nor can he be thought a God Of grace and power, that fills not his abode, His holy court, In kind and liberal sort; Joys and pleasures, Plenty of jewels, goods, and treasures, To enrich the poor, cheer the forlorn, His palace must adorn, And given all to me; For till his works my wealth became, No love or peace did me inflame: But now I have a Deity.