


Strephon和我躺在岸边,在那里欢快的春天在各种颜色中嬉戏,她的丰富的气味散发出奢华的自然。这样的青春,当我们看到这令人惊叹的景色时,我们不禁对它的创造者感到惊奇,如果我认识阿明塔斯,他没有用这样的主题来呼唤,需要一个缪斯,哦,歌唱伟大的,智慧的创造力量,当我沉默时,我钦佩,在你的言语中崇拜。于是,早在我有了这个想法之前,我就开始这样做了,以满足这个美好的要求。大山啊,低洼的小山啊,低洼的山谷啊,茂盛的树木啊,怡人的草场啊,安逸的溪流啊,你们要赞美耶和华,尊崇他的名!是的,你可以在国外传扬他的名,奇妙的工作宣告作工的神。微风轻轻地吹过,吹起我最后的歌。你们驯养野兽与野兽合而为一,与这一切一同荣耀主。鸟儿呀,在他身上歌唱的鸟儿呀,把你们的歌声送给他吧,他把你们的歌声给了你们,听着,它们的喉咙是怎样欢快地劳动,以它们优美的音调回报它们的贡品。微风轻轻地吹过,然后迅速地把我的歌吹高。但是大地和海洋仍然沉默,鸟儿也不说话,野兽也不说话,只有能说出赞美的话的人才不能这么做。 Praise him O man with a transported heart, Let the melodious hand confess its art, Let the raisd voice his bounteous glory's sing, Shoud less be joynd to praise so great a King? Gently awhile sweet Breezes move along, Then swiftly bear aloft my rising song. For thee the seasons run the circling year, The clouds drop fatness, & the fruits appear, Thee as the Lord of all below he plac'd, Free in thy choice, & by thy chusing bless'd, Tis true we must account for all we do, But to a God alone th' account is due. Gently awhile sweet Breezes move along, Then swiftly bear aloft my rising song. The Seraphim, & all the Heavenly pow'r, Bright in their shapes, but in their virtues more, Came to the shade where our first parents lay, They heard him reason, & they heard her pray, Then struck their Golden harps, & as they flew, Cry'd, Halelujah, man is made for heaven too. Go on, my Muse, Go on, & Gratefully express, The Creatures thanks, in the Creators praise. To see this pair the fallen powrs came in, Torturd with malice, & deformd by sin, They saw this happy pair designd to fill The realms, from whence they fell by doing ill, They heard their Joyfull anthems to their God, & faign they woud have harmd ym if they coud, Whom they woud harm they impotently curse, Their strength indeed was great but God was ours. Go on, My Muse, Go on, & Gratefully express. The Creatures thanks, in the Creators praise. I know I cannot speak his mercy's through, Yet what I can, of what I ought Ile do, Mean as they are, my notes to him belong, Mean as it is, he will reward my song. Go on, my Muse go on, & gratefully express The Creatures thanks, in the Creators praise. On such a theam I coud for ever dwell, Thus lett my voice when I must perish fail & thus my monument my story tell; Here lyes a Youth?stay passenger & pray, Nor pitty him who di'd no common way, But when his breath was all in hymns bestowd Sent up his soul to bear 'em to his God. So lett me end, the twilight does appear, The heat has left to rarify the air, The winds it broke grow strong enough to fly, Yes swiftly fly ye winds, & bear my Lays on high.