
在这里你会发现长诗耶路撒冷交付- 01卷-第04部分诗人托尔夸托·塔索

耶路撒冷交付- 01卷-第04部分

圭尔福继承了他们的土地和地方,他的命运与他的伟大行为一致,他的意大利父亲,从伊斯特家族,他很可能带来他高贵的血统,一个出生富有财产的德国人,从圭尔福树中长出了一个有价值的分支。在莱茵河和多瑙河之间的土地上有他统治的地方,在那里统治的是浪人和莱茵人。他母亲的遗产是这样的,他通过征服得到了更多,他从那里带来了被认可的过路人,他们不怕死亡和危险:他们习惯在宴会上过夜,在浴室里度过寒冷的日子,在炎热的房子里度过寒冷的日子。迟到了五千人,现在只剩下三分之一了,这就是战争的可能性。他们的国家,梳着整齐的头发,住在海洋和雅顿森林之间,摩泽尔河和莱茵河的草地,是种植粮食和牧草的战场土壤,他们的岛民,他们经常修复他们的土墙,抵御海洋的洪水,洪水,在其他地方,船只和船只吞噬,但在那里淹没了城市,国家,城镇和塔;他们都是一群人,但总共只有一千个人,在另一个罗伯特的带领下,他们奔跑着。然后是英国骑兵队,又壮又高的士兵,由他们君主的小儿子威廉率领,这些弓箭手,和他们一起来的,是一个靠近北极的民族,爱尔兰从湖泊和森林里派来的,与欧洲海岸隔着遥远的海洋。十五路易·唐克雷蒂其次,除了里纳尔德之外,没有一个是比他更有权势的王子,他威严高贵的面容闪闪发光,他的思想高尚,他的心在战斗中是勇敢的,他的价值没有超越可耻的恶习,他的过错是爱情,不明智的目光,在冒险的武器的危险中长大,被悲伤,悲伤,悲伤和伤害所滋养。XLVI传说,在那永远幸福的日子里,基督徒的剑染上了波斯的鲜血,愤怒的王子唐克雷迪从战斗中逃离,他的懦弱的敌人在森林里四处追逐,直到战斗、炎热和路途都使他疲惫不堪,他才找到一个地方,让他疲惫的身体休息,把他拉到绿荫下,在野草中玩耍的一条银色小溪旁。在那里,他遇见了一个异教徒的少女,她全身披挂着闪亮的铠甲,只剩下美丽的面容,披头散发,她编织了一张放荡的网,从凉爽的空气中捕捉甜美的气息。 On her at gaze his longing looks he set, Sight, wonder; wonder, love; love bred his care; O love, o wonder; love new born, new bred, Now groan, now armed, this champion captive led. XLVIII Her helm the virgin donned, and but some wight She feared might come to aid him as they fought, Her courage earned to have assailed the knight; Yet thence she fled, uncompanied, unsought, And left her image in his heart ypight; Her sweet idea wandered through his thought, Her shape, her gesture, and her place in mind He kept, and blew love's fire with that wind. XLIX Well might you read his sickness in his eyes, Their banks were full, their tide was at the flow, His help far off, his hurt within him lies, His hopes unstrung, his cares were fit to mow; Eight hundred horse (from Champain came) he guies, Champain a land where wealth, ease, pleasure, grow, Rich Nature's pomp and pride, the Tirrhene main There woos the hills, hills woo the valleys plain. L Two hundred Greeks came next, in fight well tried, Not surely armed in steel or iron strong, But each a glaive had pendant by his side, Their bows and quivers at their shoulders hung, Their horses well inured to chase and ride, In diet spare, untired with labor long; Ready to charge, and to retire at will, Though broken, scattered, fled, they skirmish still; LI Tatine their guide, and except Tatine, none Of all the Greeks went with the Christian host; O sin, O shame, O Greece accurst alone! Did not this fatal war affront thy coast? Yet safest thou an idle looker-on, And glad attendest which side won or lost: Now if thou be a bondslave vile become, No wrong is that, but God's most righteous doom. LII In order last, but first in worth and fame, Unfeared in fight, untired with hurt or wound, The noble squadron of adventurers came, Terrors to all that tread on Asian ground: Cease Orpheus of thy Minois, Arthur shame To boast of Lancelot, or thy table round: For these whom antique times with laurel drest, These far exceed them, thee, and all the rest. LIII Dudon of Consa was their guide and lord, And for of worth and birth alike they been, They chose him captain, by their free accord, For he most acts had done, most battles seen; Grave was the man in years, in looks, in