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耶路撒冷交付- 01卷- 05部分

古舍尔和赖夫的英勇一如既往。那个圭多和那个圭多,格尔默和埃伯拉尔都是著名的,我的缪斯会在肮脏的遗忘中不愿意,和他亲爱的吉尔迪普斯,爱德华啊,一对恩爱的人,在他们中间作战,在贞洁的爱的纽带中,一起为他们服务,一起死去。在爱情的学校里,我们看到了一切,在那里,我们学会了这个侍女的凶狠的伪装,她仍然在他身边忠实地守护着,一个真爱把他们的生命捆绑在一起,谁也不愿意单独冒险,但每个人都能感受到对方的痛苦,如果一个受伤了,另一个感到疼痛,她失去了她的血,他就这样度过了他的生命。但这一切,莱纳多远远超过,他的星,这戒指上的钻石,孕育着勇气和甜蜜的仁慈的巢:一颗彗星值得每一个人的眼睛惊奇,他的岁月比他的高尚的行为少,他的果实成熟得快,他的花朵开花,武装的火星,可能会让金星移动,如果解除武装,那么爱的上帝自己。LIX索菲亚在艾迪杰的花海旁,索菲亚是美丽的,伟大的贝托尔多的配偶,适合做那颗珍珠的母亲,在温柔的小魔王断奶之前,莫德公主在美德的爱中把他培养成适合每一项有价值的壮举的人,直到他听到这些珠宝的金号声,在他的耳朵里响起荣耀,名声,赞美。LX后来,虽然他还不到五岁的三倍,他却独自逃过了许多不为人知的海岸,逃过了爱琴海,逃过了许多希腊人的据点,直到他到达了基督教的军队;高贵的飞行,冒险,勇敢,大胆,这是一个勇敢的王子应该夸耀的,他在战场上服役了三年,当开始很少有金色的头发装饰他的象牙下巴。骑兵们过去了,他们的空站填满了步行的队伍,雷蒙在他们前面,索洛斯的主人,从皮拉尼山附近的土地上穿过蜿蜒的溪流和盐海的波涛,他带来了四千英尺,装备精良,技能娴熟,他们经历了所有的痛苦和旅行,强壮的武装人员和他们的指导力量就像特洛伊的老城,由伊利昂的塔保护。LXII下一世,安布瓦的斯蒂芬率领了五千支铅,他从图尔和布卢瓦率领的人马,迟来了,去做不适合的艰苦试验,不确定是否需要,但还是武装起来,用精心准备的钢板指着,这片土地像它自己一样,人民繁衍,土壤温柔,光滑,柔软,细腻;他们大胆地冲锋,但很快就因怀疑而退却,就像稻草的火,很快点燃,很快熄灭。 LXIII The third Alcasto marched, and with him The boaster brought six thousand Switzers bold, Audacious were their looks, their faces grim, Strong castles on the Alpine clifts they hold, Their shares and coulters broke, to armors trim They change that metal, cast in warlike mould, And with this band late herds and flocks that guide, Now kings and realms he threatened and defied. LXIV The glorious standard last to Heaven they sprad, With Peter's keys ennobled and his crown, With it seven thousand stout Camillo had, Embattailed in walls of iron brown: In this adventure and occasion, glad So to revive the Romans' old renown, Or prove at least to all of wiser thought, Their hearts were fertile land although unwrought. LXV But now was passed every regiment, Each band, each troop, each person worth regard When Godfrey with his lords to counsel went, And thus the Duke his princely will declared: "I will when day next clears the firmament, Our ready host in haste be all prepared, Closely to march to Sion's noble wall, Unseen, unheard, or undescried at all. LXVI "Prepare you then for travel strong and light, Fierce to the combat, glad to victory." And with that word and warning soon was dight, Each soldier, longing for near coming glory, Impatient be they of the morning bright, Of honor so them pricked the memory: But yet their chieftain had conceived a fear Within his heart, but kept it secret there. LXVII For he by faithful spial was assured, That Egypt's King was forward on his way, And to arrive at Gaza old procured, A fort that on the Syrian frontiers lay, Nor thinks he that a man to wars inured Will aught forslow, or in his journey stay, For well he knew him for a dangerous foe: An herald called he then, and spake him so: LXVIII "A pinnace take thee swift as shaft from bow, And speed thee, Henry, to the Greekish main, There should arrive, as I by letters know From one that never aught reports in vain, A valiant youth in whom all virtues flow, To help us this great conquest to obtain, The Prince of Danes he is, and brings to war A troop with him from under the Arctic