


这个论点。伊斯梅诺会施魔法,但他的魅力是徒劳的;阿拉丁会在他的愤怒中杀死基督徒;索芙罗尼娅和奥林多会被杀死为了拯救其余的人,国王答应了他们的愿望;克罗琳达清楚地听到了他们的事实和命运,他们的宽恕使他们远离了烈火:阿勒忒斯的演讲遭到轻视,阿甘斯向公爵发起了致命的战争。当暴君把他的思想弯成臂弯时,伊斯门诺在他的视线出现之前开始了,他看到冰冷的坟墓里的尸骨,温暖了,使他们说话,嗅觉,味觉,触觉,视觉和听觉;他那强大的魅力使人胆战心惊,使地狱深处的大魔鬼胆战心惊,使注定要受痛苦的灵魂又束缚又释放,使魔鬼四处游荡。他从前是基督徒,现在崇拜梅肯,他也不能完全抛弃他一贯的信仰,但在他的邪恶艺术中,他既祈求上帝的帮助,又祈求普路托的帮助;亚基多弗曾在亚基伦黑暗的湖岸旁的深洞里,作过徒然的转圈和咒语,现在他要在这些极端的情况下给他的王出主意了,他这样劝告押沙龙。“我的君主,”他说,“营地在这里快速移动,斧头已经放在雪松的根部,但让我们勇敢地工作,因为最勇敢的心,好运会帮助;你有君王的心志,你有君王的智慧。 If each perform his charge and duty so, Nought but his grave here conquer shall your foe. IV "From surest castle of my secret cell I come, partaker of your good and ill, What counsel sage, or magic's sacred spell May profit us, all that perform I will: The sprites impure from bliss that whilom fell Shall to your service bow, constrained by skill; But how we must begin this enterprise, I will your Highness thus in brief advise. V "Within the Christian's church from light of skies, An hidden alter stands, far out of sight, On which the image consecrated lies Of Christ's dear mother, called a virgin bright, An hundred lamps aye burn before her eyes, She in a slender veil of tinsel dight, On every side great plenty doth behold Of offerings brought, myrrh, frankincense and gold. VI "This idol would I have removed away From thence, and by your princely hand transport, In Macon's sacred temple safe it lay, Which then I will enchant in wondrous sort, That while the image in that church doth stay, No strength of arms shall win this noble fort, Of shake this puissant wall, such passing might Have spells and charms, if they be said aright." VII Advised thus, the king impatient Flew in his fury to the house of God, The image took, with words unreverent Abused the prelates, who that deed forbode, Swift with his prey, away the tyrant went, Of God's sharp justice naught he feared the rod, But in his chapel vile the image laid, On which the enchanter charms and witchcraft said. VIII When Phoebus next unclosed his wakeful eye, Up rose the sexton of that place profane, And missed the image, where it used to lie, Each where he sough in grief, in fear, in vain; Then to the king his loss he gan descry, Who sore enraged killed him for his pain; And straight conceived in his malicious wit, Some Christian bade this great offence commit. IX But whether this were act of mortal hand, Or else the Prince of Heaven's eternal pleasure, That of his mercy would this wretch withstand, Nor let so vile a chest hold such a treasure, As yet conjecture hath not fully scanned; By godliness let us this action measure, And truth of purest faith will fitly prove That this rare grace came down from Heaven above. X With busy search the tyrant gan to invade Each house, each hold, each temple and each tent To them the fault or faulty one bewrayed Or hid, he promised gifts or punishment, His idle charms the false enchanter said, But in this maze still wandered and miswent, For Heaven decreed to conceal the same, To make the miscreant more to feel his shame.