Vachel Lindsay简介


Vachel Lindsay的照片
  • 时间1879 - 1931
  • 的地方伊利诺斯州
  • 国家美国


尼古拉斯·林赛于1879年11月10日出生在伊利诺伊州的斯普林菲尔德。他是六个孩子中的老二,也是瓦切尔·托马斯·林赛医生和埃斯特·凯瑟琳·弗雷泽·林赛医生唯一的儿子。瓦切尔直到八岁才上过学。他的母亲在家里教他,母亲婚前曾是一名教师和艺术家。据说《格林童话》是他的启蒙读物。1893年,他从斯图尔特学校毕业,跳过了七年级,并因写作而多次获奖。在他年轻的时候,Vachel被鼓励跟随他父亲的脚步,因此作为一个孝顺的儿子,他在1897年进入了Hiram学院,作为一名医学预科学生。三年后,他写信回家,请求父母允许他上艺术学校。1901年,他被芝加哥艺术学院录取为学生,并开始了他作为插画家的职业追求。他花时间阅读英国神秘主义诗人威廉·布莱克的作品,并认真地写诗。 He moved in 1904 to continue his studies at the New York School of Art and, while there, began to combine poetry and art. After hearing Lindsay recite one of his illustrated poems, "The Tree of the Laughing Bells," Robert Henri, a painter and teacher at the New York School, suggested to Lindsay that he devote himself to poetry. It was a turning point in the poet’s life. The years 1906 through 1912 were Lindsay’s troubadour years as he took his poetry to the people. He ventured out into the world on walking tours of the countryside, taking no money with him, instead trading his poetry for food and shelter. In 1920, Lindsay became the first American poet invited to recite at Oxford University and undertook his first national lecturing tour. Nicholas Vachel Lindsay died in 1931, his funeral attended by hundreds. Cables expressing Lindsay’s popularity and people’s great sorrow at his death came from all over the nation.