


(由领唱和合唱合唱,领唱唱诗的主体,而合唱队以提问打断。)我吗?i’我去过巴勒斯坦。你在巴勒斯坦看到了什么?我看到了诺亚方舟?它是用沥青和松木做的。我看见诺亚神父在他的藤蔓下睡着了。我看见闪,含,雅弗站成一排。我看见巴别塔在灿烂的日出照耀下?在死海旁的一棵垂柳旁。 I?ve been to Palestine. WHAT DID YOU SEE IN PALESTINE? I saw abominations And Gadarene swine. I saw the sinful Canaanites Upon the shewbread dine, And spoil the temple vessels And drink the temple wine. I saw Lot?s wife, a pillar of salt Standing in the brine? By a weeping willow tree Beside the Dead Sea. I?ve been to Palestine. WHAT DID YOU SEE IN PALESTINE? Cedars on Mount Lebanon, Gold in Ophir?s mine, And a wicked generation Seeking for a sign And Baal?s howling worshippers Their god with leaves entwine. And . . . I saw the war-horse ramping And shake his forelock fine? By a weeping willow tree Beside the Dead Sea. I?ve been to Palestine. WHAT DID YOU SEE IN PALESTINE? Old John Brown. Old John Brown. I saw his gracious wife Dressed in a homespun gown. I saw his seven sons Before his feet bow down. And he marched with his seven sons, His wagons and goods and guns, To his campfire by the sea, By the waves of Galilee. I?ve been to Palestine. WHAT DID YOU SEE IN PALESTINE? I saw the harp and psalt?ry Played for Old John Brown. I heard the ram?s horn blow, Blow for Old John Brown. I saw the Bulls of Bashan? They cheered for Old John Brown. I saw the big Behemoth? He cheered for Old John Brown. I saw the big Leviathan? He cheered for Old John Brown. I saw the Angel Gabriel Great power to him assign. I saw him fight the Canaanites And set God?s Israel free. I saw him when the war was done In his rustic chair recline? By his campfire by the sea, By the waves of Galilee. I?ve been to Palestine. WHAT DID YOU SEE IN PALESTINE? Old John Brown. Old John Brown. And there he sits To judge the world. His hunting-dogs At his feet are curled. His eyes half-closed, But John Brown sees The ends of the earth, The Day of Doom. And his shot-gun lies Across his knees? Old John Brown, Old John Brown.