
在这里你会发现poncore De lasson诗人维克多·詹姆斯·戴利

poncore De lasson

我最近站在一个黑色的码头旁,当黑夜已是正午;敏锐的,恶毒的星星在闪烁,还有一个邪恶的,苍白的月亮。我看见一艘气派的船,建造得古雅而古老;月光下,它的桅顶上挂着一面褪了色的金旗。船的桅杆和桅杆都已老化发黑,船的绳索和栏杆也已老化发黑;就像一个鬼魂透过她的布凝视着,白色的月亮透过她的帆。没有任何动静打破寂静,没有任何声音打破寂静,只有青灰色的水拍打着橡树的枝干。于是我对她那看不见的指挥官说,就像对我认识的人说一样。唐·璜·庞卡索·德·拉桑,我已经等你很久了。请你带我一起去吧! Take me with you on your quest For the Fount of Youth Eternal, For the Islands of the Blest.? Then above the bulwarks ancient I beheld a head arise; And the moon with ghastly glimmer Lit its sad and hollow eyes. ?Grieved am I, señor, and sorry,? Very courteously it said, ?That I may not take you with me? But I only take the Dead. ?These alone may dare the voyage, These alone sail on the quest For the Fount of Youth Eternal, For the Islands of the Blest.?