


房间里一片寂静,除了我的呼吸外,没有一丝喘息,就像我在黑暗中独自与死神坐在一起。它的生命很短暂,可爱的小婴儿躺在这里死去,脚边和头上都有锥形。亲爱的小手,太脆弱,紧握不住生命;亲爱的小嘴,那么苍白,那么庄严,那么冷漠;小脚永远不会再绕着屋子跑;你的生命太渺小了!你的小旅程结束了!可爱的婴儿,死得太早,你再也看不到太阳或月亮的脸,或星光的清冷;也不知道你到哪里去了,我们知道谁住在这悲伤、欢乐、疯狂的古老大地上。那些欺骗我们到最后一刻的愚蠢的希望和痴情,你是不会感到的; beyond All these things thou hast passed. The struggles that upraise The soul by slow degrees To God, through weary days? Thou hast no part in these. And at thy childish play Shall we, O little one, No more behold thee? Nay, No more beneath the sun. Death?s sword may well be bared ?Gainst those grown old in strife, But, ah! it might have spared Thy little unlived life. Why talk as in despair? Just God, whose rod I kiss, Did not make thee so fair To end thy life at this. There is some pleasant shore? Far from His Heaven of Pride, Where those strong souls who bore His Cross in bliss abide? Some place where feeble things, For Life?s long war too weak, Young birds with unfledged wings, Buds nipped by storm-winds bleak, Young lambs left all forlorn Beneath a bitter sky, Meek souls to sorrow born, Find refuge when they die. There day is one long dawn, And from the cups of flowers Light dew-filled clouds updrawn Rain soft and perfumed showers. Child Jesus walketh there Amidst child-angel bands, With smiling lips, and fair White roses in His hands. I kiss thee on the brow, I kiss thee on the eyes? Farewell! Thy home is now The Children?s Paradise.