

  • 时间1802 - 1885
  • 的地方贝桑松
  • 国家法国


维克多·雨果1802年出生于贝桑松,是一位极具知名度的诗人、小说家和剧作家,著有《巴黎圣母院的钟楼怪人》和《missamrables》。许多传记都对他进行了分析、赞扬、描述和批评;其中最早的一本是由他的妻子ad在1863年出版的。他深刻地影响了法国浪漫主义运动及其价值观的形成。维克多的父亲约瑟夫·雨果是拿破仑军队的一名军官和将军,也是意大利和西班牙的总督。他的母亲在他们最初的婚姻破裂后抚养了维克多;她几次回到丈夫的不同岗位上。早年,维克多就开始创作悲剧和诗歌,并翻译维吉尔的作品。17岁时,他和他的兄弟们一起创办了一份文学评论,名为Conservatuer littariire。他的第一本诗集《诗集与杂文》出版于1822年,也就是他与ad Foucher结婚的那一年(这导致他的兄弟和竞争对手eng被终身监禁在精神病院)。 It earned him a royal pension from Louis the eighteenth. His first novel, Han D'Islande appeared anonymously in four pocket-sized volumes (his second appeared three years later). Cromwell, his famous dramatic poem, was published in 1827. Hugo's political stance wavered from side to side. He wrote royalist odes and cursed Napolean's memory, would then defend his father's role in Napoleon's victory, and attack the injustices of the monarchist regime. When Léopold Hugo died in 1828, Victor started to call himself a baron. In his later life, he would become involved in politics as a supporter of the republican form of government. He was elected in 1841 to the Académie Francaise; in 1845, he was made a pair de France, and sat in the Upper Chamber among the lords. When the coup by Louis-Napoléon the third took place in 1851, he believed his life to be in danger, and fled to various different places; finally to Guernsey in the English channel. His voluntary exile lasted for 20 years, until he returned to France when Napoleon III fell from power and the Republic was reclaimed. In 1876, he was elected a senator of Paris. His lyrical style has been described as 'rich, intense and full of powerful sounds and rhythms.. although it followed the burgeois popular taste of the poeriod it also had bitter personal tones.' Verlaine describes the progression in a typical Hugo love poem as follows: 'I like you. You yield to me. I love you - You resist me. Clear off.." In 1843, Hugo's daughter Léopoldine drowned along with her husband. A decade passed before Hugo would publish anything new. Hugo's funeral in 1885 was a national event, attended by two million people.