

  • 时间1873 - 1958
  • 的地方肯特
  • 国家英格兰


沃尔特·德拉马雷爵士出生于英格兰南部肯特郡查尔顿的一个富裕家庭。他的父亲詹姆斯·爱德华·德拉米尔是英格兰银行的一名官员。他的母亲露西·索菲亚(勃朗宁)·德拉玛尔是诗人罗伯特·勃朗宁的亲戚。他在伦敦的圣保罗大教堂唱诗班学校接受教育,16岁时离开。从1890年到1908年,他在伦敦英美石油公司的会计部门工作。他的写作生涯大约从1895年开始,直到他生命的最后一刻,他都在继续发表作品。他发表的第一篇小说《天命》(1895)以沃尔特·拉马尔的笔名发表在《素描》上。1908年,德·拉·马雷获得了每年100英镑的政府养老金,从此全身心投入到写作中。他退休后搬到了白金汉郡的塔普罗,和妻子康斯坦斯·埃尔弗里达·英格彭以及四个孩子住在一起。他的儿子理查德成为费伯&费伯公司的董事长,并出版了他父亲的几本书。 In 1915 he became of of the legatees of his fellow poet Rupert Brooke. De la Mare received the CH in 1948, and the OM in 1953. He died at Twickenham, near London, on June 22, 1958. De la Mare is buried in St Paul's Cathedral. His first stories and poems De la Mare wrote for periodicals, among others for The Sketch, and published in 1902 a collection of poetry, SONGS OF CHILDHOOD, under the name Walter Ramal. It attracted little notice. Subsequently De la Mare published many volumes of poetry for both adults and children. In 1904 appeared under his own name the prose romance HENRY BROCKEN, in which the young hero encounters writers form the past. THE RETURN (1910) was an eerie story of spirit possession. Arthur Lawford suspects that an eighteenth-century pirate, Nicholas Sabathier, is seizing control of his personality. "'Here lie ye bones of one, Nicholas Sabathier,' he began murmuring again - 'merely bones, mind you; brains and heart are quite another story. And it's pretty certain the fellow had some kind of brains. Besides, poor devil, he killed himself. That seems to hint at brains..." De la Mare's first successful book was The Listeners; the title poem is one of his most anthologized pieces. In the work supernatural presence haunts the solitary Traveller, the typical speaker of his poems: "Is there anybody there? said the Traveller, / Knocking on the moonlit door; / And his horse in the silence champed the grasses / Of the forest's ferny floor.... / But no one descended to the Traveller; / No head from the leaf-fringed sill / Leaned over and looked into his grey eyes, / Where he stood perplexed and still." In 1923 he produced a collection of other people's poetry, COME HITHER. In his poems de la Mare has described the English sea and coast, the secret and hidden world of nature. His favorite themes, childhood, death, dreams, commonplace objects and events, de la Mare examined with a touch of mystery and often with an undercurrent of melancholy. His novels have been reprinted many times in horror collections because of their sense of wonder, and also hidden malevolence. However, De la Mare did not have the morbid atmosphere of Poe, but his dreamlike visions had much similarities with Blake.