


嘘,画眉!嘘,画眉小姐,我听着……我听见树叶间的脚步声,还有水边低低的哨声。仍然!水仙花!不,别这么欢天喜地地向我欢呼,-你那艳丽的金色百合花吓得我心惊胆战,欺骗了我,我跟着更金碧辉煌,更苗条。看,小溪!快跑,快看,快跑!虚荣的芦苇在摇动?-直到灰色的大海升起,我将在田野中寻找他。 Gaze, daisy! Stare through haze and glare, And mark the hazardous stars all dawns and eves, For my eye withers, and his star wanes dim. 2 Close, rose, and droop, heliotrope, And shudder, hope! The shattering winter blows. Drop, heliotrope, and close, rose... Mourn, corn, and sigh, rye. Men garner you, but youth's head lies forlorn. Sigh, rye, and mourn, corn... Brood, wood, and muse, yews, The ways gods use we have not understood. Muse, yews, and brood, wood...