


在清晨的微光中,阴冷刺骨,潮湿的雾气在光秃秃的山上沉思,六十名全副武装的警察列队行进,穿过数英里的泥潭;每个高个子留着胡子的人都挥舞着一支来福枪,每个人的大衣下都挂着一把刺刀。郡长骑着他那结实的雄马跨着和酋长谈话,酋长在他们身边走着,鲍丁·胡悄悄地跟在他们后面,假装他的职责非常重要。六个身强力壮的工人,穿着普通的冰衣,走在中间,他们是司法官的坚定盟友;从遥远的县里带来了六个铁棍,他们脸色阴沉,对自己的工作洋洋得意,这是一种想法,但这是错误的——他们是一群天主教徒,每天只收半克朗的工资。小村庄簇拥在山上,有几十座小宅院,阴暗而简陋;永远可怜,直到现在才绝望;长久以来,贫穷也懂得如何与生活中令人压抑的琐事抗争。这一天将为它的历史画上句号。几个沉默的人倚在茅屋的墙边,一动不动,冷冷清清。接着,一个“一针也没缝”的孩子跑出了门,带着刺耳的尖叫声飞了回来,很快,从一家到另一家都听到了女人悲伤的哭声,又高又响,使男人们咬牙切齿地咒骂。 Meanwhile, o'er fence and watery field beneath, The little army moves through drizzling rain; A 'Crowbar' leads the Sheriff's nag; the lane Is enter'd, and their plashing tramp draws near, One instant, outcry holds its breath to hear "Halt!" - at the doors they form in double line, And ranks of polish'd rifles wetly shine. The Sheriff's painful duty must be done; He begs for quiet-and the work's begun. The strong stand ready; now appear the rest, Girl, matron, grandsire, baby on the breast, And Rosy's thin face on a pallet borne; A motley concourse, feeble and forlorn. One old man, tears upon his wrinkled cheek, Stands trembling on a threshold, tries to speak, But, in defect of any word for this, Mutely upon the doorpost prints a kiss, Then passes out for ever. Through the crowd The children run bewilder'd, wailing loud; Where needed most, the men combine their aid; And, last of all, is Oona forth convey'd, Reclined in her accustom'd strawen chair, Her aged eyelids closed, her thick white hair Escaping from her cap; she feels the chill, Looks round and murmurs, then again is still. Now bring the remnants of each household fire; On the wet ground the hissing coals expire; And Paudeen Dhu, with meekly dismal face, Receives the full possession of the place.