


1.乌瑞森探索他的洞穴,高山,沼泽,荒野,用一个火球照亮他的旅程,一个可怕的旅程,被残酷的暴行所困扰:在他被遗弃的山上的生命形式。他的世界充满了巨大的恐怖;无信的;生命中讨好的部分;一只脚、一只手、一个头、一颗心、一只眼睛的形状,它们调皮地游来游去,可怕的恐怖!以血为乐。大多数乌里森人看到他永恒的创造物出现,都感到恶心,悲哀的儿女们在山上哭泣!哀号!第一次,蒂瑞尔出现了,他对自己的存在感到惊讶,就像一个从云中诞生的人,&乌塔,从水中浮现,哀叹! Grodna rent the deep earth howling Amaz'd! his heavens immense cracks Like the ground parch'd with heat; then Fuzon Flam'd out! first begotten, last born. All his eternal sons in like manner His daughters from green herbs & cattle From monsters, & worms of the pit. 4. He in darkness clos'd, view'd all his race, And his soul sicken'd! he curs'd Both sons & daughters; for he saw That no flesh nor spirit could keep His iron laws one moment. 5. For he saw that life liv'd upon death The Ox in the slaughter house moans The Dog at the wintry door And he wept, & he called it Pity And his tears flowed down on the winds 6. Cold he wander'd on high, over their cities In weeping & pain & woe! And where-ever he wanderd in sorrows Upon the aged heavens A cold shadow follow'd behind him Like a spiders web, moist, cold, & dim Drawing out from his sorrowing soul The dungeon-like heaven dividing. Where ever the footsteps of Urizen Walk'd over the cities in sorrow. 7. Till a Web dark & cold, throughout all The tormented element stretch'd From the sorrows of Urizens soul And the Web is a Female in embrio None could break the Web, no wings of fire. 8. So twisted the cords, & so knotted The meshes: twisted like to the human brain 9. And all calld it, The Net of Religion