


死人脚上的风,吹落这海边老城的空街,给我带来消息!把我吹出尘垢和时间的瘟疫!我心里太难受了,不能再和失败作斗争了。你的寒意在我的骨头里;月光洒在石头上,苍白、冰冷、触手可及;我就像一个变老的人。我从一个房间呼唤到另一个房间;回声都是我知道的话语,迷失在很久以前。我从这门走到那门,再也找不到同伴了。孩子们所感到的狼一般的恐惧在我的脚后跟嗅来嗅去。 I hear the hollow sound Of a great ship coming round, The thunder of tackle and the tread Of sailors overhead. That stormy-blown hulloo Has orders for me, too. I see thee, hand at mouth, and hark, My captain of the dark. O wind of the great East, By whom we are released From this strange dusty port to sail Beyond our fellows' hail, Under the stars that keep The entry of the deep, Thy somber voice brings up the sea's Forgotten melodies; And I have no more need Of bread, or wine, or creed, Bound for the colonies of time Beyond the farthest prime. Wind of the dead men's feet, Blow through the empty street; The last adventurer am I, Then, world, goodby!