


我所熟悉的那些船在哪里呢?半个世纪前,它们乘着芬迪的潮水,美丽而庄严地驶进港口。他们会经过灯塔的灯光,太阳照耀着闪闪发光的帆和桅杆,像鸟儿一样折叠着翅膀,从陌生而遥远的国度飞过来。纵帆船、双桅帆船和双桅帆船,我看着他们慢慢地扬起风帆,我想知道他们在世界的另一边一定看到了什么城市。法国人,英国人,丹麦人,美国人,西班牙人,葡萄牙人,还有许多回家的船带着大海的故事回来了。平静和胜利,休息,从无情的,粗暴的海上游戏,河胸脯上的野鸭并不比他们更有把握。这是一种过路的生物,黑暗的云杉林使他们强壮,大海的爱给了他们神奇的优雅,大风教他们唱歌。上帝赋予他们每一个人生命——他赐福于工匠的技艺——去迎接盲目的无理智的斗争,敢于冒患病的风险。不只是麻木的木头和颜料服从掌舵的命令,但经常像圣人一样在天堂的手下不安。生命中所有的美丽和神秘都在那里,大胆的冒险,青春和大海的魅力,以及它所有的悲伤。有许多次,我看见他们在清晨勇敢地迎着洪水,小拖船把他们拖在后面,阳光在波浪上跳舞。 There all day long you could hear the sound Of the caulking iron, the ship's bronze bell, And the clank of the capstan going round As the great tides rose and fell. The sailors' songs, the Captain's shout, The boatswain's whistle piping shrill, And the roar as the anchor chain runs out,-- I often hear them still. I can see them still, the sun on their gear, The shining streak as the hulls careen, And the flag at the peak unfurling,--clear As a picture on a screen. The fog still hangs on the long tide-rips, The gulls go wavering to and fro, But where are all the beautiful ships I knew so long ago?