


我的初恋,虽然她像航行的月亮一样被养育在美丽的凶神恶煞的窝里,她一会儿走,一会儿红,站在我的路上,直到我以为她的身体里有一颗有血有肉的心。但自从我把手放在它上面,发现了一颗石头般的心,我尝试了许多事,却一事无成,因为每只在月球上旅行的手都是疯子。她的微笑使我变了样,使我变成了一个傻瓜,在这里游荡,在那里游荡,当月亮飞走时,比天上星星的轨道更空虚。人类的尊严,她的仁慈就像月亮,如果我可以称她为仁慈,我无法理解,但对所有人来说都是一样的,仿佛我的悲伤是画在墙上的一幅画。于是我像一块石头一样躺在一棵断树下。如果我对着一只飞过的鸟尖叫我内心的痛苦,我可以恢复过来,但我是哑巴,没有人性的尊严。美人鱼发现了一个会游泳的男孩,把他抱在怀里,把自己的身体贴在他的身上,笑了;在残酷的幸福中被遗忘,就连恋人也被淹没。四野兔之死我曾指出那群叫嚷的野兔向树林里跳去,当我说一句赞美的话时,就像恋人一样,对着眼睛的低垂,对着血液的覆盖而欢喜。突然间,我的心被她那心烦意乱的神态扭曲了,我记得我失去了野性,之后,我被从那里卷走,站在树林里,野兔死了。 V The Empty Cup A crazy man that found a cup, When all but dead of thirst, Hardly dared to wet his mouth Imagining, moon-accursed, That another mouthful And his beating heart would burst. October last I found it too But found it dry as bone, And for that reason am I crazed And my sleep is gone. VI His Memories We should be hidden from their eyes, Being but holy shows And bodies broken like a thorn Whereon the bleak north blows, To think of buried Hector And that none living knows. The women take so little stock In what I do or say They'd sooner leave their cosseting To hear a jackass bray; My arms are like the twisted thorn And yet there beauty lay; The first of all the tribe lay there And did such pleasure take -- She who had brought great Hector down And put all Troy to wreck -- That she cried into this ear, 'Strike me if I shriek.' VII The Friends of his Youth Laughter not time destroyed my voice And put that crack in it, And when the moon's pot-bellied I get a laughing fit, For that old Madge comes down the lane, A stone upon her breast, And a cloak wrapped about the stone, And she can get no rest With singing hush and hush-a-bye; She that has been wild And barren as a breaking wave Thinks that the stone's a child. And Peter that had great affairs And was a pushing man Shrieks, 'I am King of the Peacocks,' And perches on a stone; And then I laugh till tears run down And the heart thumps at my side, Remembering that her shriek was love And that he shrieks from pride. VIII Summer and Spring We sat under an old thorn-tree And talked away the night, Told all that had been said or done Since first we saw the light, And when we talked of growing up Knew that we'd halved a soul And fell the one in t'other's arms That we might make it whole; Then peter had a murdering look, For it seemed that he and she Had spoken of their childish days Under that very tree. O what a bursting out there was, And what a blossoming, When we had all the summer-time And she had all the spring! IX The Secrets of the Old I have old women's sectets now That had those of the young; Madge tells me what I dared not think When my blood was strong, And what had drowned a lover once Sounds like an old song. Though Margery is stricken dumb If thrown in Madge's way, We three make up a solitude; For none alive to-day Can know the stories that we know Or say the things we say: How such a man pleased women most Of all that are gone, How such a pair loved many years And such a pair but one, Stories of the bed of straw Or the bed of down. X His Wildness O bid me mount and sail up there Amid the cloudy wrack, For peg and Meg and Paris' love That had so straight a back, Are gone away, and some that stay Have changed their silk for sack. Were I but there and none to hear I'd have a peacock cry, For that is natural to a man That lives in memory, Being all alone I'd nurse a stone And sing it lullaby. XI From 'Oedipus at Colonus' Endure what life God gives and ask no longer span; Cease to remember the delights of youth, travel