


(献给哈里·克利夫顿)我曾听歇斯底里的女人说,她们厌倦了调色板和小提琴弓。因为每个人都知道,或者应该知道,如果不采取极端措施,就会出现飞机和齐柏林飞艇。像比利国王一样投下炸弹,直到城镇被夷为平地。所有的人都在上演他们的悲剧,那是大摇大摆的哈姆雷特,那是李尔王,那是奥菲莉亚,那是科迪莉亚;然而,如果最后一场戏在那里,大舞台的帷幕即将落下,如果他们配得上他们在剧中的突出角色,不要打断他们的台词去哭泣。他们知道哈姆雷特和李尔王是同性恋;欢乐改变了所有的恐惧。所有的人都瞄准了,找到了又失去了;黑色;天光照进了我的脑袋,悲剧演到了极致。 Though Hamlet rambles and Lear rages, And all the drop-scenes drop at once Upon a hundred thousand stages, It cannot grow by an inch or an ounce. On their own feet they came, or On shipboard,' Camel-back; horse-back, ass-back, mule-back, Old civilisations put to the sword. Then they and their wisdom went to rack: No handiwork of Callimachus, Who handled marble as if it were bronze, Made draperies that seemed to rise When sea-wind swept the corner, stands; His long lamp-chimney shaped like the stem Of a slender palm, stood but a day; All things fall and are built again, And those that build them again are gay. Two Chinamen, behind them a third, Are carved in lapis lazuli, Over them flies a long-legged bird, A symbol of longevity; The third, doubtless a serving-man, Carries a musical instmment. Every discoloration of the stone, Every accidental crack or dent, Seems a water-course or an avalanche, Or lofty slope where it still snows Though doubtless plum or cherry-branch Sweetens the little half-way house Those Chinamen climb towards, and I Delight to imagine them seated there; There, on the mountain and the sky, On all the tragic scene they stare. One asks for mournful melodies; Accomplished fingers begin to play. Their eyes mid many wrinkles, their eyes, Their ancient, glittering eyes, are gay.