


仁慈的神父约翰·奥哈特在监狱的日子里骑马去了一个拥有自由土地和他自己的鹬和鳟鱼的舍尼恩。他信托约翰的土地;袖子是他的种族;就把这些当作礼物送给女儿们。他们在外地结婚了。但是约翰爸爸上去了,约翰爸爸也下来了;他的鞋子上穿了小洞,他的长袍上穿了大洞。所有的人都爱他,只有被魔鬼抓着头发的精灵,从妻子、猫、孩子,到空中的鸟儿。鸟儿们,因为他上上下下的时候打开了它们的笼子;他笑着说:“现在安静点吧。” And he went his way with a frown. But if when anyone died Came keeners hoarser than rooks, He bade them give over their keening; For he was a man of books. And these were the works of John, When, weeping score by score, People came into Colooney; For he'd died at ninety-four. There was no human keening; The birds from Knocknarea And the world round Knocknashee Came keening in that day. The young birds and old birds Came flying, heavy and sad; Keening in from Tiraragh, Keening from Ballinafad; Keening from Inishmurray. Nor stayed for bite or sup; This way were all reproved Who dig old customs up.