


我祖父在绞刑架下唱起了这首歌:“听着,先生们,女士们,以及所有的人:钱是好的,而女孩可能更好。”但有力的打击是心灵的愉悦。”站在猫上,他发自内心地唱着这首歌。那些狂热分子,我们所做的一切都将撤销;打倒狂热者,打倒小丑;向下,向下,敲击它们,沿着奥唐纳·阿布的曲调向下。“我有过一个姑娘,但她跟着另一个去了;我有过钱,在夜里溜掉了;我喝了烈酒,使我悲伤;但有一个好的、强有力的理由和打击是快乐的。”所有的人都跟着唱了起来:“加油,加油,我亲爱的人。”那些狂热分子,我们所做的一切都将撤销;打倒狂热者,打倒小丑; Down, down, hammer them down, Down to the tune of O'Donnell Abu. 'Money is good and a girl might be better, No matter what happens and who takes the fall, But a good strong cause' -- the rope gave a jerk there, No more sang he, for his throat was too small; But he kicked before he died, He did it out of pride. Those fanatics all that we do would undo; Down the fanatic, down the clown; Down, down, hammer them down, Down to the tune of O'Donnell Abu. II Justify all those renowned generations; They left their bodies to fatten the wolves, They left their homesteads to fatten the foxes, Fled to far countries, or sheltered themselves In cavem, crevice, hole, Defending Ireland's soul. 'Drown all the dogs,' said the fierce young woman, 'They killed my goose and a cat. Drown, drown in the water-but,