


人有他的宿命;一种燃烧的气息。来摧毁所有昼与夜的矛盾;肉体称之为死亡,心灵称之为悔恨。但如果这些都是对的,什么是快乐?那里有一棵树,从它的最顶上的树枝上,一半是闪闪发光的火焰,一半是绿油油的叶子,被露水滋润着;一半是一半,但这就是全部的场景;那阿提斯的形象,挂在怒目怒视的愤怒和盲目茂盛的叶子之间,他也许不知道他所知道的,但不知道悲伤III尽你所能地获得所有的金银,满足野心,使琐碎的日子充满活力,用太阳把它们填满,然而,请思考这些格言:所有的女人都溺爱一个懒惰的男人,尽管她们的孩子需要一笔巨款;人生在世,没有一个男人能得到足够的孩子们的感激和女人的爱。从第四十个冬天开始,用这种思想来检验你的智慧和信仰的每一项工作,以及你亲手完成的每一件事,把这些工作称为呼吸的奢侈,它们不适合那些骄傲地、睁着眼睛、笑着走向坟墓的人。 IV My fiftieth year had come and gone, I sat, a solitary man, In a crowded London shop, An open book and empty cup On the marble table-top. While on the shop and street I gazed My body of a sudden blazed; And twenty minutes more or less It seemed, so great my happiness, That I was blessed and could bless. Although the summer Sunlight gild Cloudy leafage of the sky, Or wintry moonlight sink the field In storm-scattered intricacy, I cannot look thereon, Responsibility so weighs me down. Things said or done long years ago, Or things I did not do or say But thought that I might say or do, Weigh me down, and not a day But something is recalled, My conscience or my vanity appalled. A rivery field spread out below, An odour of the new-mown hay In his nostrils, the great lord of Chou Cried, casting off the mountain snow, 'Let all things pass away.' Wheels by milk-white asses drawn Where Babylon or Nineveh Rose; some conquer drew rein And cried to battle-weary men, 'Let all things pass away.' From man's blood-sodden heart are sprung Those branches of the night and day Where the gaudy moon is hung. What's the meaning of all song? 'Let all things pass away.' VII The Soul. Seek out reality, leave things that seem. The Heart. What, be a singer born and lack a theme? The Soul. Isaiah's coal, what more can man desire? The Heart. Struck dumb in the simplicity of fire! The Soul. Look on that fire, salvation walks within. The Heart. What theme had Homer but original sin? VIII Must we part, Von Hugel, though much alike, for we Accept the miracles of the saints and honour sanctity? The body of Saint Teresa lies undecayed in tomb, Bathed in miraculous oil, sweet odours from it come, Healing from its lettered slab. Those self-same hands perchance Eternalised the body of a modern saint that once Had scooped out pharaoh's mummy. I -- though heart might find relief Did I become a Christian man and choose for my belief What seems most welcome in the tomb -- play a pre- destined part. Homer is my example and his unchristened heart. The lion and the honeycomb, what has Scripture said? So get you gone, Von Hugel, though with blessings on your head.