


哦,伟大种族的母亲,你年轻时的优雅依然可爱!年长的贵妇,你高傲的同辈,既羡慕你的盛年,又恨你的盛年。他们以羞辱的话和讥诮的话与你的名联合。因为你的面颊上洒满了光辉,把你的晨山染成了红色;你的一步?野鹿?在你的树林里,沙沙的脚步没有比这更轻快;你那充满希望的眼睛,像你自己的晴空一样明亮。唉,让他们骂?你和你儿子安然居住。 They do not know how loved thou art, How many a fond and fearless heart Would rise to throw Its life between thee and the foe. They know not, in their hate and pride, What virtues with thy children bide; How true, how good, thy graceful maids Make bright, like flowers, the valley shades; What generous men Spring, like thine oaks, by hill and glen;? What cordial welcomes greet the guest By thy lone rivers of the West; How faith is kept, and truth revered, And man is loved, and God is feared, In woodland homes, And where the ocean border foams. There ?s freedom at thy gates and rest For Earth?s down-trodden and opprest, A shelter for the hunted head, For the starved laborer toil and bread. Power, at thy bounds, Stops and calls back his baffled hounds. Oh, fair young mother! on thy brow Shall sit a nobler grace than now. Deep in the brightness of the skies The thronging years in glory rise, And, as they fleet, Drop strength and riches at thy feet. Thine eye, with every coming hour, Shall brighten, and thy form shall tower; And when thy sisters, elder born, Would brand thy name with words of scorn, Before thine eye, Upon their lips the taunt shall die.