


在北风的吹拂下,夏天的树木凋零了,我们山谷周围秋天的树林,重新披上了它们的光彩。连绵起伏的群山,在他们的广阔的横扫中,五彩斑斓的风景环绕着,仿佛一群群巨大的国王,身着紫色和金色,守卫着这迷人的土地。我漫步在高地上的树林里,在那里混合着灿烂的光辉,在那里,欢快的树木俯瞰着下面的绿色田野。在明亮的小路上,我的脚步并不孤单;甜蜜的西南,在玩耍,苍蝇沙沙作响,那里的彩叶在蜿蜒的路上散落。在遥远的天堂,太阳,把大风吹到这里,在美丽的大地上倾注了他恬静的微笑——一年中最甜蜜的微笑。那里现在是庄严的树荫,青翠和幽暗,许多树枝交汇的地方;当夏天的正午让山谷热得难受时,你是如此感激?让奇异的光线穿过所有的树木;森林深处是否明亮? Their sunny-coloured foliage, in the breeze, Twinkles, like beams of light. The rivulet, late unseen, Where bickering through the shrubs its waters run, Shines with the image of its golden screen, And glimmerings of the sun. But 'neath yon crimson tree, Lover to listening maid might breathe his flame, Nor mark, within its roseate canopy, Her blush of maiden shame. Oh, Autumn! why so soon Depart the hues that make thy forests glad; Thy gentle wind and thy fair sunny noon, And leave thee wild and sad! Ah! 'twere a lot too blessed For ever in thy coloured shades to stray; Amid the kisses of the soft south-west To rove and dream for aye; And leave the vain low strife That makes men mad--the tug for wealth and power, The passions and the cares that wither life, And waste its little hour.