


唉!你光荣地站在那里,美丽无边的苍穹!那宽阔的穹苍,覆盖着大地和天空,环绕着地平线,用你明亮的穹窿和蓝宝石的墙,环绕着一切。在你的脚下,高高的古树拔地而起,一堆堆的古树和小山,在强烈的阳光和寒冷中,它们古老的峰顶冻结了。鹰展翅高飞,你却使它飞得远。你有你的皱眉——你高高在上,暴风雨已经搭了他的安乐窝,在那柔软的蓝帘后面,躺着他的冰雹和雨夹雪。从那以后,消耗的闪电劈了下来。强烈的飓风在那里苏醒。然而你却不吝惜笑容——笑容比你的皱眉更甜美:大地从千千万万的岛屿上,向你的归来发出欢呼。从你那里降下来的荣耀,在深深的欢乐中沐浴大地和海洋。 The sun, the gorgeous sun, is thine, The pomp that brings and shuts the day, The clouds that round him change and shine, The airs that fan his way. Thence look the thoughtful stars, and there The meek moon walks the silent air. The sunny Italy may boast The beauteous tints that flush her skies. And lovely, round the Grecian coast, May thy blue pillars rise. I only know how fair they stand, Around my own beloved land. And they are fair--a charm is theirs, That earth, the proud green earth, has not-- With all the forms, and hues, and airs, That haunt her sweetest spot. We gaze upon thy calm pure sphere, And read of Heaven's eternal year. Oh, when, amid the throng of men, The heart grows sick of hollow mirth, How willingly we turn us then Away from this cold earth, And look into thy azure breast, For seats of innocence and rest.