

  • 时间1704 - 1754
  • 的地方
  • 国家苏格兰


威廉·汉密尔顿最著名的作品是苏格兰方言诗《亚罗的兄弟》,他出生于班戈,在1750年他哥哥去世后继承了班戈家族的遗产。据说他的身体一直很虚弱,因此他大部分时间都呆在室内学习;在那里,他对文学产生了热情,并开始写诗。在英国文学中,汉密尔顿被称为“冒险家”。汉密尔顿之前的许多苏格兰诗人都是用拉丁语创作作品的。汉密尔顿是最早用英语和苏格兰方言写作的人之一。一些单诗于1723年发表在艾伦·拉姆齐的《可茶杂记》中;他出版的第一本文集是1748年的一本盗版出版物,没有他的名字,没有他的同意,也不知情,而且错误百出。这本诗集出版时,他正在国外,虽然他回到苏格兰后修改和编辑了其中的许多诗歌,但在他死后,他的朋友们才出版了第一本真正的诗集——《几次诗选》。这本书出版于1760年,起初并没有引起多少注意,直到格拉斯哥的理查森教授发表在《懒人》杂志上的一篇评论文章对它进行了赞扬。 ‘The poems of Hamilton display regular design, just sentiments, fanciful invention, pleasing sensibility, elegant diction, and smooth versification… Mr Hamilton’s imagination is employed among beautiful and engaging.. engaging tenderness.’ This judgement was backed up by stronger praise from Mr M’Kenzie, the editor of The Lounger, and echoed by Lord Woodhouselee. Hamilton is often spoken of as a Jacobite, but his involvement was something of a flirtation. He joined the cause of Prince Charles (Bonny Prince Charlie) in the insurrection of 1745, gaining the Jacobite label and forced exile to France after the prince’s defeat at the Battle of Culloden. His health would deteriorate as a cause of his trials, though he would be pardoned as a result of his friends’ influence in the space of a few years. Hamilton wrote a great deal of love poetry which, over the years, have appeared in various anthologies and collections.