


啊,今夜大山的精灵,你对我们说话,你的声音是忧伤的,却仍使我们想起往日的欢乐景象,在那雄伟的古老的劳伦提斯,那古老的大地是崭新的,我们飞快地追赶着驼鹿和驯鹿。甜蜜的回忆,如梦的碎片,向后奔涌;我们听到桨叶的水声,溪水的涟漪声;受惊的翅膀疯狂地,疯狂地拍动,从刹住和隐蔽地起飞;再一次,在我们热切的脚下,森林的地毯跃动起来,我们穿过阴暗的山谷,在那里晚啼的麻雀歌唱。小吟游诗人不理睬我们,也不留下他的哀歌,就像我们跟着勇敢的森林姑娘飞快地走过去一样。再一次,在黑暗的韦亚加马克,我们在树皮独木舟滑行,看着黄昏的阴影沿着山腰。不一会儿,我们听到了潜鸟狂吠的声音,在远处的山峰上留下了回响。但是北国之魂!让冬天的微风吹过,用飞雪覆盖每一块巨大的岩石。冻结每一个跳跃的激流,束缚所有的水晶湖,告诉我们风暴王醒来时更激烈的快乐。现在景象变了,风是响亮而尖锐的,飘落的雪花笼罩着高山和小山,但在我们舒适的小屋里,同志们聚集在一起,我们在椽子上回荡着“浩然”和“旅长”。 Then after Pierre and Telesphore have danced 'Le Caribou,' Some hardy trapper tells a tale of the dreaded Loup Garou, Or phantom bark in moonlit heavens, with prow turned to the East, Bringing the Western voyageurs to join the Christmas feast. And while each backwoods troubadour is greeted with huzza Slowly the homely incense of 'tabac Canayen' Rises and sheds its perfume like flowers of Araby, O'er all the true-born loyal Enfants de la Patrie. And thus with song and story, with laugh and jest and shout, We heed not dropping mercury nor storms that rage without, But pile the huge logs higher till the chimney roars with glee, And banish spectral visions with La Chanson Normandie. 'Brigadier! répondit Pandore Brigadier! vous avez raison, Brigadier! répondit Pandore, Brigadier! vous avez raison!' O spirit of the mountain! that speaks to us to-night, Return again and bring us new dreams of past delight, And while our heart-throbs linger, and till our pulses cease, We'll worship thee among the hills where flows the Saint-Maurice.