


的手!温柔的手!当田野在密密麻麻地站立,当你四岁的孩子满头大汗,满头大汗,烦躁不安,烦躁不安,就像一只流浪狗跳过网——你可以用你的双手稳住他,安抚他!的手!聪明的手!当你疲惫的猎人翻墙、翻沟、翻墙,鼻子还插在麦茬上的时候,你就有麻烦了,如果你没有双手的救命之恩!的手!稳定的手!当你的缰绳成了无用的绳索,有疯狗跑得更快,你的主人被抛来抛去,如果上帝赐给你双手,你还可以避免灾难!的手! Talking Hands! At the fence below the Stands, When you call on him to lead them, That's the moment when you need them, That's the time a horse will heed them As you bring him up and help him with your Hands! Hands! Horseman's Hands! When the stooping fairy stands At the cradle of a baby, She has richer gifts, it may be, But she never brought a better one than Hands!