


现在,钱少了,工作少了,爱情悄悄钻进了他的心,他骑着马沿着北方的小路向世界宣战,并取得了胜利;他指着胸前的挂坠盒和它的宝藏,一卷红金色的卷发发誓,为了他的吉普斯兰女孩,他愿意到最遥远的西方去工作。热风吹在尘土飞扬的平原上,红日在头顶上燃烧,但他又看见她的脸在他身边,他为爱打了每一击。他在一颗遥远的星星的光芒下辛勤劳作,为了赢得一颗白珍珠,而摇摆的镐和撬棍为吉普斯兰女孩敲回家。手腕疼痛,背部弯曲,咸汗使眼睛失明,如果他的一生都花在赢得这么大的奖金上,他也不会发臭。他的剪刃在他手上闪烁、白羊毛的褶在他手上卷曲、他终日坚守他的立位、因为他爱他的吉普斯兰女子。等剪完羊毛,剪完棚子,在巴温、纳兰和布里;当剪羊毛的人与野鹿为伴,联邦的人与自由的人为伴;当棚屋的门大开,发出欢声笑语,他从另一边走过,为了他的吉普斯岛女孩。当夏天在西方大地上披上棕色,他再一次骑马南下,渴望着百合花手的抚摸和玫瑰花蕾嘴的亲吻; And he sang the songs that shorten the way, And he envied not king or earl, And he spared not the spur in his dappled grey For the sake of his Gippsland girl. At the garden gate when the shadows fell His hopes in the dusk lay dead; 'Nelli? Oh! Surely you heard that Nell Is married a month' they said. He spoke no word; with a dull, dumb pain At his heart, and his brain awhirl He turned his grey to the North again For the sake of his Gippsland girl. And he rung the board in a Paroo shed By the sweat of his aching brow, But he blued his cheque, for he grimly said, 'There is nothing to live for now.' And out and away where the big floods start And the Darling dust-showers swirl, There's a drunken shearer who broke his heart Over a Gippsland girl! William H Ogilvie