


路边草地上的脚步声,马蹄声,还有——听!焦虑的号角吹响了!猎犬;猎狗在黑暗中回家。今天,我们的猎人勇敢地在艰难的山路上疾驰,但他的手在膝盖上颤抖,因为国王大道上有一丝灯光。“车!”金色漫天;“到前面去!”阻止他们,马克!”Toot-toot-too-oot ! - ' Halloo, there !-Hi ! `- Hounds going home in the dark. Crack of a whip as the headlights near- Blind in the blaze they group and grope. `Curse the feller, and can't he hear? Put 'em across, there I-Cope, boys, cope! ' When never a star is hung in the sky, With never a lamp or a lantern spark, Huntsman and Whips go groping by, Blowing them home in the dark.