


马欢快地在鞭子前奔驰着回家,跳跃着,跳跃着,嬉戏着,两边都是泡沫;但痛苦地,慢慢地跟在他们后面,头朝着坠落的裂缝,勇敢地,一瘸一拐地跟在他们后面。他步履蹒跚,肩膀僵硬,从蹄子到膝盖都用夹板夹着,但没有一匹马能有他一半的精神;给这些人夸耀他们的教养,这些围场和马厩的宠物,但十年前,他们最骄傲的人不能与他们所有的珍珠生活在一起。没有任何旅程能打败他,没有一天是沉重或艰难的,他是营地和集合的国王,是院子里翅膀的骄傲;但时间无情地跟随;我们中最优秀的人都屈服于他的奴役;死神,扛着他的镰刀,正紧追着他们所有的珍珠。我看着他呜咽着从我身边走过,回忆在我脑海里盘旋着,和一个同伴不计后果地狂奔,和一个女孩欢声笑语地狂奔?她怎样用百合花和爱结装饰他,把他的鬃毛编在我身旁,有一次,在离别的悲痛中,她伸出双臂拥抱他哭泣。 And I promised ? I gave her my promise The night that we parted in tears, To keep and be kind to the old horse Till Time made a burden of years; And then for his sake and one woman?s? So, fetch me my gun from the wall! I have only this kindness to offer As gift to the pearl of them all. Here! hold him out there by the yard wing, And don?t let him know by a sign: Turn his head to you ? ever so little! I can?t bear his eyes to meet mine. Then ? stand still, old boy! for a moment ? These tears, how they blind as they fall! Now, God help my hand to be steady? Good-bye! ? to the pearl of them all!