


她慢慢地一瘸一拐地走过小镇,心已苍老,头发已发白;她泪眼朦胧,跌跌撞撞地走在熟悉的路上;她看见她的少女行路被水潭和弯道展开,每棵树胶都是老朋友,每棵橡树都是朋友;但是,过去那些欢迎她的笑脸已经一去不复返了——他们挤在她的帐篷里,不再牵她的手。而她,这个他们曾经信赖的、满足他们殷切愿望的朋友,将不再显示隐藏在许多盘子里的金粉;她穿过凄凉的毛帽堆,悲哀地走着。今天,有个灰胡子在这儿那儿守着他的风铃;河水不再涨到一半,她就像从前一样,松开缰绳,冲过繁忙的水闸,在金色的沟里低语。她看不见上面有一头长着矛角的野牛站在悬崖边;她曾经爱过的乡巴佬们不再下来喝酒;饥饿的羊群穿过红色的尘土,慢吞吞地爬进来,那是一条长长的线; She sees no crossing cattle that Western drovers bring, No swimming steeds that battle to block them when they ring. She sees no barricaded roofs, no loop-holed station wall, No foaming steed with flying hoofs to bring the word 'Ben Hall!' She sees no reckless robbers stoop behind their ambush stone, No coach-and-four, no escort troop; - but, very lorn and lone, Watches the sunsets redden along the mountain side Where round the spurs of Weddin the wraiths of Weddin ride. Tho' fettered with her earthen bars and chained with bridge and weir She goes her own way with the stars; she knows the course to steer! And when her thousand rocky rills foam, angry, to her feet, Rain-heavy from the Cowra hills she takes her vengeance sweet, And leaps with roar of thunder, and buries bridge and ford, That all the world may wonder when the Lachlan bares her sword! Gray River! let me take your hand for all your memories old - Your cattle-kings, your outlaw-band, your wealth of virgin gold; For once you held, and hold it now, the sceptre of a queen, And still upon your furrowed brow the royal wreaths are green; Hold wide your arms, the waters! Lay bare your silver breast To nurse the sons and daughters that spread your empire west!