


真正的人,正直的人,正直的人,无与伦比的运动员——他们的数量很少;那些即使日落而息也要继续游戏的人,那些嘴上笑着继续失败的人。这些人对名利毫不在乎;那些掉转马头去帮助倒下的人的人;勇敢的和友好的,彬彬有礼的和善良的;那些雄狮般的勇气与温柔相结合的人。我心目中的运动员?-那我试着给你下个定义。当然,我偏爱的是教养良好、生活干净的品种;以其为国王服务的地位和血统而自豪; With all a noble knight's contempt for low, left- handed things. Not the `good sport' who burdens us with cheap and futile chat Of the 'pedigree' of this one and the `outside chance' of that, But a man who loves good horses just to handle them and ride Where the fences call to valour and the English grass lies wide. All the best and truest sportsmen I have lived with and have known Have a changeless faith within them which their simple hearts enthrone, Believing in the God that made the green fields passing fair, The God that gave good courage - and to every man his share. And all the truest sportsmen I have met have had this gift: A love of all the classic books that lighten and uplift; And all have loved red woodlands, swift birds and coloured flowers; And all have played with children and counted not the hours. And I think when God has gathered all the men that He has made, The perfect British sportsman may stand forward unafraid; For, brave and kind and courtly, and clean of heart and hand, No life than his seems nearer to the life our Maker planned.