


“Cesseth !国王说,“我不再容忍你了。你们要为我祈祷,侍奉我。“他的代价,”国王说,“良心,我敢说!”“不,天哪!”良心说,“我倒挺难受的!”但理智使我明白了,我更不明白。"我劝你,"国王对良心说,"我劝你骑上马,我劝你骑上马。感谢他到这里来为我谋士,因为他将掌管我的财产,使我成为最好的玛代人,而不是其他地方的人,谁能雇得起我的新娘呢?我的良心啊,我的主啊,请向你说明,那些人,那些卑贱的,卑贱的,是多么的卑贱啊!“我喜欢那个向前的人,”他站在那怪物旁边,向他的理性和他的身体靠拢,像国王一样站在一边,然后站了起来。“我要穿上骑马的衣服,”理性说,“让你歇一会儿,”他叫卡顿为他的无赖,他的说话的哑巴,还有汤姆·特鲁——别给我讲故事,我要笑,因为我从来没有爱过他们。“把我的鞍放在我的鞍上,直到我看见我的时候,”我用俏皮话唱了一首优美的赞美诗。 Hange on hym the hevy brydel to holde his heed lowe, For he wol make ''wehee''twies er he be there.' Thanne Conscience on his capul caireth forth faste, And Reson with hym ryt, rownynge togideres Whiche maistries Mede maketh on this erthe. Oon Waryn Wisdom and Witty his fere Folwed hem faste, for thei hadde to doone In th'Eseheker and in the Chauncerye, to ben descharged of thynges, And riden faste for Reson sholde rede hem the beste For to save hem for silver from shame and from harmes. A[c] Conscience knew hem wel, thei loved coveitise, And bad Reson ryde faste and recche of hir neither 'Ther are wiles in hire wordes, and with Mede thei dweneth - Ther as wrathe and wranglynge is, ther wynne thei silver; Ac there is love and leautee, thei wol noght come there Contricio et infelicitas in viis eorum &c. Thei ne gyveth noght of God one goose wynge Non est timor Dei ante oculos eorum &c. For thei wolde do moore for a dozeyne chiknes Than for the love of Oure Lorde or alle hise leeve seintes! Forthi, Reson, lat hem ride, tho riche by hemselve - For Conscience knoweth hem noght, ne Crist, as I trowe.' And thanne Reson rood faste the righte heighe gate, As Conscience hym kenned, til thei come to the Kynge. Curteisly the Kyng thanne com ayeins Reson, And bitwene hymsel and his sone sette hym on benche, And wordeden wel wisely a gret while togideres. And thame com Pees into parliment and putte up a bill- How Wrong ayeins his wille hadde his wif taken, And how he ravysshede Rose, Reignaldes loove, And Margrete of hir maydenhede maugree hire chekes. 'Bothe my gees and my grys hise gadelynges feccheth; I dar noght for fere of hem fighte ne chide. He borwed of me bayard and broughte hym hom nevere Ne no ferthyng therfore, for nought I koude plede. He maynteneth hise men to murthere myne hewen, Forstalleth my feires and fighteth in my chepyng, And breketh up my berne dores and bereth awey my whete, And taketh me but a taille for ten quarters otes. And yet he beteth me therto and lyth by my mayde; I am noght hardy for hym unnethe to loke!' The Kyng knew he seide sooth. for Conscience hym tolde That Wrong was a wikked luft and wroghte muche sorwe. Wrong was afered thanne, and Wisdom he soughte To maken pees with hise pens, and profred hym manye, And seide, 'Hadde I love of my lord the Kyng, litel wolde I recche Theigh Pees and his power pleyned hym evere!' Tho wan Wisdom and Sire Waryn the Witty, For that Wrong hadde ywroght so wikked a dede, And warnede Wrong tho with swich a wis tale - 'Whoso wereheth by wille, writhe maketh ofte. I seye it by myself - thow shalt it wel fynde But if Mede it make, thi meschief is uppe; For bothe thi lif and thi lond lyth in his grace.' Thanne wowede Wrong Wisdom ful yerne To maken his pees with his pens, handy dandy payed. Wisdom and Wit thanne wenten togidres, And token Mede myd hem mercy to wynne. Pees putte forth his heed and his panne blody 'Withouten gilt, God woot, gat I this seathe.' Conseicnce and the commune knowen wel the sothe, Ac Wisdom and Wit were aboute faste To overcomen the Kyng with catel, if thei myghte. The Kyng swor by Crist and by his crowne bothe That Wrong for hise werkes sholde wo tholie, And combundede a eonstable to casten hym in irens, 'And lete hym noght this seven yer seen his feet ones. 'God woot,'quod Wisdom, 'that were noght the beste! And he amendes mowe make, Iat Maynprise hym have And be borgh for his bale, and buggen hym boote, And so amenden that is mysdo, and everemoore the bettre.' Wit acorded therwith, and seide the same, 'Bettre is that boote bale adoun brynge Than bale be ybet, and boote nevere the bettre!' Thanne ga