


来吧,拿起你们的帽子,让我们赶快去参加蝴蝶的舞会和蚱蜢的盛宴。号手,牛虻,已经召集了船员,狂欢现在只等着你。小罗伯特边走边说,他的快乐伙伴们成群结队地走了出来。在树林旁光滑的草地上,在一棵伫立多年的大橡树下,大地的孩子们和空中的房客们,为了一个晚上的娱乐,一起修理着。这时来了一只甲虫,又黑又瞎,把他的朋友埃米特驮在背上。还有小蚊和蜻蜓,还有它们所有的亲戚,绿色的、橙色的和蓝色的。飞蛾来了,披着羽绒的羽毛;大黄蜂来了,穿着黄棕色的外套;他的同伴黄蜂也带来了,但他们答应,那天晚上就放下他们的刺。狡猾的小睡鼠从洞里爬了出来,带着他的盲人兄弟鼹鼠来参加宴会。蜗牛从很远的地方来,有一个贝壳那么长,它的角从壳里探出来。 A Mushroom their Table, and on it was laid A Water-dock Leaf, which a Table-cloth made. The Viands were various, to each of their Taste, And the Bee brought her Honey to crown the Repast. Then close on his Haunches, so solemn and wise, The Frog from a Corner, look'd up to the Skies. And the Squirrel well pleas'd such Diversions to see, Mounted high over Head, and look'd down from a Tree. Then out came the Spider, with Finger so fine, To shew his Dexterity on the tight Line. From one Branch to another, his Cobwebs he slung, Then quick as an Arrow he darted along, But just in the Middle, -- Oh! shocking to tell, From his Rope, in an Instant, poor Harlequin fell. Yet he touch'd not the Ground, but with Talons outspread, Hung suspended in Air, at the End of a Thread, Then the Grasshopper came with a Jerk and a Spring, Very long was his Leg, though but short was his Wing; He took but three Leaps, and was soon out of Sight, Then chirp'd his own Praises the rest of the Night. With Step so majestic the Snail did advance, And promis'd the Gazers a Minuet to dance. But they all laugh'd so loud that he pull'd in his Head, And went in his own little Chamber to Bed. Then, as Evening gave Way to the Shadows of Night, Their Watchman, the Glow-worm, came out with a Light. Then Home let us hasten, while yet we can see, For no Watchman is waiting for you and for me. So said little Robert, and pacing along, His merry Companions returned in a Throng.END OF THE BUTTERFLY'S BALL.