


可怜的乔·戈莱特利是个卑鄙的家伙,身材颀长,步履蹒跚,相貌难看,受人鞭打,受人欺负,受人鄙视。他身上有济贫院的烙印;没有爸爸妈妈认领过他,执事找到了他,守护者委员会任命了他。也许是公主的儿子-一个乞丐也许是他的母亲。他想的是前者,我想的是后者。他喜欢他在海上的船,他喜欢咸咸的海水,他崇拜垃圾,他崇拜第一领主的女儿。第一领主的女儿,骄傲地,每晚冷落伯爵和子爵;她嘲笑巴茨。大声地说,并抛弃了可怜的乔·戈莱特利。每当他远航时,在英吉利海峡的巡游中,他打开他的轻吉他,唱着这首歌谣:月亮在海上,柳树! The wind blows towards the lee, Willow! But though I sigh and sob and cry, No Lady Jane for me, Willow! She says, "'Twere folly quite, Willow! For me to wed a wight, Willow! Whose lot is cast before the mast"; And possibly she's right, Willow! His skipper (CAPTAIN JOYCE), He gave him many a rating, And almost lost his voice From thus expostulating: "Lay aft, you lubber, do! What's come to that young man, JOE? Belay! - 'vast heaving! you! Do kindly stop that banjo! "I wish, I do - O lor'! - You'd shipped aboard a trader: ARE you a sailor or A negro serenader?" But still the stricken lad, Aloft or on his pillow, Howled forth in accents sad His aggravating "Willow!" Stern love of duty bad Been JOYCE'S chiefest beauty; Says he, "I love that lad, But duty, damme! duty! "Twelve months' black-hole, I say, Where daylight never flashes; And always twice a day A good six dozen lashes!" But JOSEPH had a mate, A sailor stout and lusty, A man of low estate, But singularly trusty. Says he, "Cheer hup, young JOE! I'll tell you what I'm arter - To that Fust Lord I'll go And ax him for his darter. "To that Fust Lord I'll go And say you love her dearly." And JOE said (weeping low), "I wish you would, sincerely!" That sailor to that Lord Went, soon as he had landed, And of his own accord An interview demanded. Says he, with seaman's roll, "My Captain (wot's a Tartar) Guv JOE twelve months' black-hole, For lovering your darter. "He loves MISS LADY JANE (I own she is his betters), But if you'll jine them twain, They'll free him from his fetters. "And if so be as how You'll let her come aboard ship, I'll take her with me now." "Get out!" remarked his Lordship. That honest tar repaired To JOE upon the billow, And told him how he'd fared. JOE only whispered, "Willow!" And for that dreadful crime (Young sailors, learn to shun it) He's working out his time; In six months he'll have done it.