

在树木之间的边缘上,它下面的一个边缘的山谷上方运行一次我听到在早期的夏天,清晰的响了六指出,我知道是芬格尔山洞的序曲,我听到他们一次又一次的那一年,明年夏天,一年之后这六个下行指出相同的所有的改变我自己的生活,自从上次我听说他们过去我明亮的早晨空气的鸟和我相信我所听到的会一直停留在那里,如果我又被那个赛季在那个地方冬天后我将再次怀疑门德尔松是否真的听到他们在很多年前远北抬头从他年轻时听这六个音符的祖先蔓延的存在导致洞穴既没有水也没有人在他的脑海中槽悬崖和波出去,水位下降可能是他认为这些笔记music for Mendelssohn is gone and Fingal is gone all but his name for a cave and for one piece of music and the black-capped warbler as we called that bird that I remember singing there those notes descending from the age of the ice dripping I have not heard again this year can it be gone then will I not hear it from now on will the overture begin for a time and all those who listen feel that falling in them but as always without knowing what they recognize