


告别榜样,告别生活法则;他们的实践表明,善良是可能的,他们达到了人、律师和基督徒的完美境界。假设一个比理性更正直的人,即使理性睡着了,他的习惯也不会出错;一个仍视妻子如骨肉的男人;他的孩子们仍然相信他的四肢和未来的自我;仆人欺骗朋友;他爱他的亲人,不是为了他们自己的目的;他是那么聪明,那么有远见,他早就希望他能回来;通过他的预言,时间的洛克,时间的秃顶,未来的时间是一体的,因为没有什么可以弥补或破坏一个行动,那个人就是他。假设有一个辩护人,他的所向披靡的真正权利是命运;他既不能在脚踏实地的人群中为是非辩护,也不能为是非辩护,而是使经过磨砺的真理比目击者和眼前的行动发出更明亮的光芒。 Who did soe breifely, soe perspicuously Untie the knots of darke perplexity That words appear'd like thoughts, and might derive To dull Eares Knowledge most Intuitive. A Judge soe weigh'd that Freinde and one of Us Were heard like Titius and Sempronius. All Eare, no Eie, noe Hande; oft being par'd The Eies Affections and the Hands Reward. Whose Barre and Conscience were but two in Name, Sentence and Closet-Censure still the Same: That Advocate, that judge was He. Suppose A sound and setled Christian, not like those That stande by fitts, but of that Sanctity As by Repentence might scarce better'd be: Whose Life was like his latest Houre, whose way Outwent the Journey's Ende where others stay: Who slighted not the Gospel for his Lawe, But lov'd the Church more than the Bench, and sawe That all his Righteousnes had yet neede fee One Advocate beyond himselfe. 'Twas He. To this Good Man, Judge, Christian, now is given Faire Memory, noe Judgment, and blest Heaven.