


啊,大自然教会你,用热情、纯洁和甜蜜的力量来呼吸她的真诚的思想;你是最可爱的孩子,你的孩子,你的快乐的孩子,在旷野的山野里,哺育着歌声的力量!你,怀着一颗隐逸的心,蔑视艺术的丰富性,蔑视华服,蔑视华丽的野草,蔑视飘逸的帘布,却来了一个体面的少女,穿着华丽的长袍,呵,贞洁而不自夸的仙女,我呼唤你!在海布拉百里香海岸上储存的所有蜂蜜;她所有的花朵,和混合的低语,亲爱的;她的失恋的悲哀,在黄昏的沉思中慢慢地抚慰着伊莱克特拉的诗人的甜蜜的忧伤的耳朵;当神圣的自由死去时,没有什么能比它更能吸引你未来的脚步。啊,对真理谦恭的妹妹,你的冷静的帮助和天生的魅力,使我的青春倾心!呼吸着最甜美的溪水,虽然美摘下了花圈,还请你的手来调调它们整齐的色彩。当罗马只尊重美德的爱国主题时,你爱她的丘陵,带领她的桂冠乐队; But stay'd to sing alone To one distinguish'd throne, And turn'd thy face, and fled her alter'd land. No more, in hall or bow'r, The passions own thy pow'r; Love, only love her forceless numbers mean; For thou hast left her shrine, Nor olive more, nor vine, Shall gain thy feet to bless the servile scene. Tho' taste, tho' genius bless To some divine excess, Faints the cold work till thou inspire the whole; What each, what all supply, May court, may charm our eye; Thou, only thou canst raise the meeting soul! Of these let others ask, To aid some mighty task, I only seek to find thy temp'rate vale; Where oft my reed might sound To maids and shepherds round, And all thy sons, O Nature, learn my tale.