


“这是每个澳大利亚人都有自己的语言,有自己的语言,或一种语言,可以简单地独立存在。"dickon pitch to kid us"是"lie"的同义词," mark it"的意思是停止它,"nit it"的意思是飞起来。知心朋友是“补鞋匠”,马是“骗子”或“小丑”,而泛泛之交则是“小丑”或“家伙”。他的爱人是他的"donah"他的"clinah"他的"tart"他的"little o'muslin "就像以前他的"bart "一样他对硬币的命名对一些人来说是个谜,他的"quid"和"half-a-caser"还有"deener"和"scrum"。"tin-back"指的是运气特别好的人,他的食物叫做"tucker"或者"panem"或者"chuck"。警察是"约翰尼"或"警察"或"陷阱",而赊购的东西总是"皮带"。定罪被称为"麻烦",监狱被称为"罐子",尖刀被称为"spieler",傻瓜被称为"tug"。如果他在打斗中打了人那就是他所说的"塞"如果他向你借钱他会说"咬了你的头"“摇它”就是偷它,“敲它”就是乞求; And a jest is "poking borac", And a jester "pulls your leg". Things are "cronk" when they go wrongly In the language of the "push", But when things go as he wants 'em He declares it is "all cush". When he's bright he's got a "napper", And he's "ratty" when he's daft, And when looking for employment He is "out o'blooming graft". And his clothes he calls his "clobber" Or his "togs", but what of that When a "castor" or a "kady" Is the name he gives his hat! And our undiluted English Is a fad to which we cling, But the great Australian slanguage Is a truly awful thing!