


让我走出去,和一个聪明的朋友,或者一个比聪明的朋友,分享那漫溢的阳光,因为她是美丽的;在那里,野蔷薇在蕨类植物和凌云的高处滚动和倾斜,大地,直到她的小叶尖,都因春天而悸动。有什么比五月里一个繁荣的早晨,一天中自信的黄金,一年中无畏的青春更甜蜜、更可爱呢?正当地请求幸福,没有什么会被拒绝,世界的一半是新郎,世界的一半是新娘?交融之歌,庄严、庄严、纯洁,从永恒的双唇中流淌,宇宙的流红,当尘世的主,走他的黄金之路,娶了一位奇妙的姑娘为妻,她早已拒绝了他。因为很久以前,太阳,我们的祖先,来追求人类的母亲,地球,那是处女,维斯塔对他的火。她的胸脯沉默了,忸怩作态,但那强大的神却不断地逼迫;从他们星光灿烂的婚礼欢乐中诞生的,都是她的奶水。生育之母的荣耀,和生产之母的劳苦,在我们的命运中永远是经纬。我们是光辉与火焰的孩子,也是战栗与眼泪的孩子。我们壮丽地从尘土中走来,卑贱地从穹苍而来。啊,光明不可抗拒的主! We are fruit of Earth's womb, each one, And fruit of thy loins, O Sun, Whence first was the seed outpour'd. To thee as our Father we bow, Forbidden thy Father to see, Who is older and greater than thou, as thou Art greater and older than we. Thou art but as a word of his speech; Thou art but as a wave of his hand; Thou art brief as a glitter of sand 'Twixt tide and tide on his beach; Thou art less than a spark of his fire, Or a moment's mood of his soul: Thou art lost in the notes on the lips of his choir That chant the chant of the Whole.