


冬天的月光下,袅袅黑烟袅袅;数里又数里,连绵不绝的声音,世界裹在它的貂皮大衣里,夜的寒意在明亮的霜冻的微粒组成的满溢的大井里向地面摇晃。博金宝官网远处的马路上飘着深深的水花,那里被霜蚀的栅栏闪闪发光;在天空苍白闪烁的睡眠下,我保持着孤独的方式,穿过世界白色的梦;在这巨大的沉睡中唯一活着的东西。在东边的山岭上,薄木在睡梦中幽灵似地搅动,然后在风的意志下静止(像一个抱怨的年龄)。无论我走到哪里,我的影子都顽强地跟着我的脚步,雪地上一个奇形怪状的巨人。河水的臂弯缠绕着,冰冷的莎草紧贴着,远处传来一阵清脆、清脆、铿锵的声音,那是冰霜精灵来来去去的遥远的敲门声,用银链铸造着他的悲哀。我站在荒凉的山顶上,注视着遥远的黑夜世界:浩淼的湖水,它热情的胸怀,被束缚在北极的宁静中,在被笼罩的睡眠中包裹着;钢铁般的天空,它奇妙的主人,从燃烧的海岸到燃烧的海岸,都是白色的。于是,那些古时伟大的望星人,似乎又沿着夜色暗淡的道路而来,那些孤独而沉静的人,他们静静地凝视着古时东方的海岸,梦见旋转的光之子,梦见地球夜晚可怕的秘密。 They come, those lofty ones of old, And take me by the hand, And call me brother; ages rolled Are but a smoke-mist; kindred-souled, They lift me to their band; Like lights that from pale starbeams shine, Their clear eyes look with peace on mine. In language of no common kind These watchers speak to me; Their thoughts the depths of heaven find Like plummets true. It were a kind Of immortality To spend with them one holy hour, And know their love and grasp their power. And wrapt around with glad content, I learn with soul serene, Caught from the beauty that is blent In earth, the heaven's luminous tent, The frost-lit dreams between, And something holier out of sight, Glad visions of the infinite. Then backward past the sere hill's breast, The spectral moaning wood, With great peace brooding in my breast, I turn me toward the common rest Of earth's worn brotherhood; But as I pass, a sacred sign, Each lays his holy lips on mine:-- Gives me the golden chrism of song, Tips my hushed heart with fire; Till high in heaven I hear that throng Who march in mystic paths along, Great Pleiades, The Lyre, The Te-Deum of the ages swell, To earth-tuned ear inaudible.