


你这从深渊出来的漂泊者,从哪里来呢?命运从什么地方预示了你,没有阳光的沉睡,从人类的激流中永远回来,一个燃烧的,可怕的可怕的预兆,跨越几个世纪?9谜语!-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --是哪只可怕的手首先从永恒的烈火中释放出来的?带着充满了超凡力量的威严,在太空的高速公路上昂首阔步?啊,奇妙的,盛开的恐惧之花,开在遥远的天空的脸上!在你狂野的燃烧中,命运意志的秘密是什么?你的归来是什么可怕的预兆?或者你是爱的烙印,在包的面具里? 31 And bringest thou ever some mystical surcease 32 For all who wail? 33 Perchance, O Visitor dread, 34 Thou hast thine appointed 35 Task, thou bolt of the vast outsped! 36 With God's anointed, 37 Performest some endless toil 38 In the universe wide, 39 Feeding or curing some infinite need 40 Where the vast worlds ride. 41 Once, only once, thy face 42 Will I view in this breathing; 43 Just for a space thy majesty trace 44 'Mid earth's mad seething; 45 Ere I go hence to my place, 46 As thou to thy deeps, 47 Thou flambent core of a universe dread, 48 Where all else sleeps. 49 But thou and man's spirit are one, 50 Thou poet! thou flaming 51 Soul of the dauntless sun, 52 Past all reclaiming! 53 One in that red unrest, 54 That yearning, that surge, 55 That mounting surf of the infinite dream, 56 O'er eternity's verge.