


一条粗石嶙峋的窄窄的环带,一条粗犷而天然的堤道,横亘在水面和蜿蜒曲折的山林之间,使格拉斯米尔的东岸在它自己的幽静处安然无恙。在那里,在九月的一个平静的早晨,薄雾还没有完全被太阳所笼罩,我和两个亲爱的朋友在这僻静而艰难的路上漫步。----我匆匆上路;但我们玩我们的时间;当我们漫步的时候,我们的工作就是观察海浪抛到岸上的东西——羽毛、树叶、水草、枯枝,沿着干枯的残骸的线条,一个接一个地堆积起来。而且,在我们空虚的心情中,我们也常常停下来看一丛蒲公英的种子或蓟的胡须,它们掠过死气沉沉的湖面,现在突然停了下来——成了一片死气沉沉的树林!然后突然又开始了;在它所有的嬉戏漫游中,每时每刻,都在诉说着一股看不见的微风,那是它的翅膀,它的马车,它的马,它的玩伴,更确切地说,是它移动的灵魂。我们常常以一种人人都享有的特权,时而停下来,时而停下来,指给别人看,也许可以摘到一些花或水草,它们太美了,既不能离开它生长的地方,也不能任其自生自灭。这里有许多美丽的蕨类植物和花朵,主要是奥斯蒙达女王的那种高大的、庄严的蕨类植物;在格拉斯米尔的海滩上,它那幽静的居所,比希腊小溪边的奈阿德,或孤独地坐在古老浪漫的岸边的米尔女神更可爱。 --So fared we that bright morning: from the fields Meanwhile, a noise was heard, the busy mirth Of reapers, men and women, boys and girls. Delighted much to listen to those sounds, And feeding thus our fancies, we advanced Along the indented shore; when suddenly, Through a thin veil of glittering haze was seen Before us, on a point of jutting land, The tall and upright figure of a Man Attired in peasant's garb, who stood alone, Angling beside the margin of the lake. "Improvident and reckless," we exclaimed, "The Man must be, who thus can lose a day Of the mid harvest, when the labourer's hire Is ample, and some little might be stored Wherewith to cheer him in the winter time." Thus talking of that Peasant, we approached Close to the spot where with his rod and line He stood alone; whereat he turned his head To greet us--and we saw a Mam worn down By sickness, gaunt and lean, with sunken cheeks And wasted limbs, his legs so long and lean That for my single self I looked at them, Forgetful of the body they sustained.-- Too weak to labour in the harvest field, The Man was using his best skill to gain A pittance from the dead unfeeling lake That knew not of his wants. I will not say What thoughts immediately were ours, nor how The happy idleness of that sweet morn, With all its lovely images, was changed To serious musing and to self-reproach. Nor did we fail to see within ourselves What need there is to be reserved in speech, And temper all our thoughts with charity. --Therefore, unwilling to forget that day, My Friend, Myself, and She who then received The same admonishment, have called the place By a memorial name, uncouth indeed As e'er by mariner was given to bay Or foreland, on a new-discovered coast; And POINT RASH-JUDGMENT is the name it bears.