


我讨厌那个安德鲁·琼斯;他必养育他的儿女,使他们荒废掳掠。我真希望鼓声和鼓声能来,把他赶出村子!我不说这话,因他喜爱终日咒骂和饮酒。但是为了一个可怜的人,一个被他做了坏事的人,一个没有朋友的人,一个流浪的瘸子!对于这个可怜的爬行的无助的可怜虫,某个骑马的人路过,地上扔了一个便士;但那可怜的跛子孤身一人,无法弯腰——附近无人帮助。一英寸厚的尘土铺在地上,因为天气长期干旱;瘸子就这样用他的杖在尘土中作工,把那两个半便士凑在一起。碰巧安德鲁正好从那儿经过; and there he found The cripple in the mid-day heat Standing alone, and at his feet He saw the penny on the ground. He stopped and took the penny up: And when the cripple nearer drew, Quoth Andrew, "Under half-a-crown, What a man finds is all his own, And so, my Friend, good-day to you." And 'hence' I said, that Andrew's boys Will all be trained to waste and pillage; And wished the press-gang, or the drum With its tantara sound, would come And sweep him from the village.