


太阳躺下了,海鸟睡去了,狂风在什么地方找了个窝;空气睡着了——波浪与波浪不再斗争,只有深海的起伏幸存下来,一个告密的动作!它很快就会被铺好,只有潮水才能使水摇摆。幽静的退避,柔和的光与影的混合,和谐的美——这就是目力所及的远景,这是安慰的回报,这是可喜的变化。在那里,现在,在爆炸之前航行的船只,在他们经过的时候受到愤怒的海浪的威胁;被一列飞舞的云所嘲弄;或者,在空洞的波涛中,在锚上摇摆,就像在死亡的床上一样?有人安息,因他的眷顾,叫暴风止息;有些人,太不顾过去的危险,祈求新鲜的大风把它们吹到遥远的港口;但在近处,或悬在海与天之间,所有这些有翅膀的力量,一个也看不见,在它的航线上,在这寂静的声音中;然而,哦! how gladly would the air be stirred By some acknowledgment of thanks and praise, Soft in its temper as those vesper lays Sung to the Virgin while accordant oars Urge the slow bark along Calabrian shores; A sea-born service through the mountains felt Till into one loved vision all things melt: Or like those hymns that soothe with graver sound The gulfy coast of Norway iron-bound; And, from the wide and open Baltic, rise With punctual care, Lutherian harmonies. Hush, not a voice is here! but why repine, Now when the star of eve comes forth to shine On British waters with that look benign? Ye mariners, that plough your onward way, Or in the haven rest, or sheltering bay, May silent thanks at least to God be given With a full heart; "our thoughts are 'heard' in heaven."