


---------------------这似乎是一个日子(我说的是从许多日子中挑选出来的一天),是天上那些不会死的日子;那时,我怀着孩童般的渴望,离开了小屋的门槛,肩上挎着一个大钱包,手里拿着一把坚果钩,向外走去;我转身向远处的树林走去,那是一个古雅的身躯,用废弃的野草骄傲地装扮起来,那是我那节俭的夫人为了这个任务而割下来的——杂色的衣服,有能力对荆棘、煞车和荆棘微笑——事实上,比需要的还要破烂!越过无路的岩石,穿过缠结的蕨类植物和纠结的灌木丛,我强行前进,来到一个无人问路的可爱的角落,那里没有一根折断的树枝,枯萎的叶子低垂着,这是毁灭的无情标志;可是榛树又高又直,一簇簇诱人地挂着,一幅处女的景色!——我站了一会儿,屏住呼吸,就像欢乐一样;我聪明地克制着自己,纵情声色,无所畏惧,注视着宴会;——或者我坐在树下的花丛中,与花嬉戏;这种脾气对那些在漫长而疲惫的期待之后,突然得到了超越一切希望的幸福的人来说是很常见的。也许这是一个凉亭,在它的叶子下,四季的紫罗兰重现又凋谢,无人能见;在那里,仙女般的破水口永远潺潺作响; and I saw the sparkling foam, And--with my cheek on one of those green stones That, fleeced with moss, under the shady trees, Lay round me, scattered like a flock of sheep-- I heard the murmur and the murmuring sound, In that sweet mood when pleasure loves to pay Tribute to ease; and, of its joy secure, The heart luxuriates with indifferent things, Wasting its kindliness on stocks and stones, And on the vacant air. Then up I rose, And dragged to earth both branch and bough, with crash And merciless ravage: and the shady nook Of hazels, and the green and mossy bower, Deformed and sullied, patiently gave up Their quiet being: and, unless I now Confound my present feelings with the past; Ere from the mutilated bower I turned Exulting, rich beyond the wealth of kings, I felt a sense of pain when I beheld The silent trees, and saw the intruding sky-- Then, dearest Maiden, move along these shades In gentleness of heart; with gentle hand Touch--for there is a spirit in the woods.