


她在阳光和雨水中生长了三年,然后大自然说:“地球上从未有过如此美丽的花朵;我要把这孩子带走;她将是我的,我将成为我自己的夫人。“对我心爱的人,我将既是法律,又是冲动;和我在一起,女孩,在岩石和平原上,在天地间,在林间和凉亭里,都将感到一种监督的力量,可以点燃,也可以抑制。”“她会像小鹿一样嬉闹,欢快地穿过草地或爬上山泉;她将是呼吸的芳香,她是无声无息的事物的沉默与平静。“他们的国家将把浮云借给她;柳树为她而弯;即使在风暴的运动中,她也不会看不到用无声的同情塑造少女形象的优雅。“午夜的星星对她将是可爱的; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty born of murmuring sound Shall pass into her face. "And vital feelings of delight Shall rear her form to stately height, Her virgin bosom swell; Such thoughts to Lucy I will give While she and I together live Here in this happy dell." Thus Nature spake---The work was done--- How soon my Lucy's race was run! She died, and left to me This heath, this calm, and quiet scene; The memory of what has been, And never more will be.