


“滚开,你这个自以为是的小精灵,”一个愤怒的声音喊道,“你这愚蠢的家伙,竟敢在我和我的选择之间捣乱!”一道刚刚被雪淹没的小瀑布,威胁着一朵可怜的野蔷薇,它浑身溅满了浪花,蹦蹦跳跳,就像一个孩子,生活在一个不幸的家庭里。“你以为我的路线会受阻吗?”了,了!或者,小东西!我要把你和你的纤维所依附的岩石一起扔出去。”洪水是残暴而强大的;耐心的布瑞尔忍了很久,他没有发出呻吟或叹息,希望危险会过去;但他看不出有什么宽慰,最后才大胆地回答。“啊!”野蔷薇说,“别怪我; Why should we dwell in strife? We who in this sequestered spot Once lived a happy life! You stirred me on my rocky bed-- What pleasure through my veins you spread The summer long, from day to day, My leaves you freshened and bedewed; Nor was it common gratitude That did your cares repay. IV "When spring came on with bud and bell, Among these rocks did I Before you hang my wreaths to tell That gentle days were nigh! And in the sultry summer hours, I sheltered you with leaves and flowers; And in my leaves--now shed and gone, The linnet lodged, and for us two Chanted his pretty songs, when you Had little voice or none. V "But now proud thoughts are in your breast-- What grief is mine you see, Ah! would you think, even yet how blest Together we might be! Though of both leaf and flower bereft, Some ornaments to me are left-- Rich store of scarlet hips is mine, With which I, in my humble way, Would deck you many a winter day, A happy Eglantine!" VI What more he said I cannot tell, The Torrent down the rocky dell Came thundering loud and fast; I listened, nor aught else could hear; The Briar quaked--and much I fear Those accents were his last.