

  • 时间1789 - 1854
  • 的地方
  • 国家印度


Zauq是与Ghalib同时代的杰出人物,在乌尔都诗歌的历史上,这两位诗人的竞争是众所周知的。在他的一生中,佐克比加利布更受欢迎,因为当时的批评价值观主要局限于根据单词、短语和习语的使用来判断一首诗。在欣赏诗歌时,他几乎不考虑内容和风格。他1789年出生于德里。他的父亲谢赫·穆罕默德·拉姆赞是莫卧儿军队中地位低下的士兵。祖克因为家境贫寒而没有得到适当的治疗,但他在童年时期却九次躲过了天花这种可怕的疾病的袭击,这简直是一个奇迹。他父亲没有办法让他的儿子接受当时最好的教育。他被送到哈菲兹·古拉姆·拉苏尔(Hafiz Ghulam Rasool)开办的maktab(小学宗教学校)。哈菲兹本人是一位诗人,他的笔名是Shauq。在他的影响下,年轻的穆罕默德·易卜拉欣也被诗歌所吸引。哈菲兹给了他必要的鼓励,也把他当作他的诗歌学生,并建议他用Zauq作为笔名。 Though Zauq could not complete the course of the maktab, he got hooked to poetry. In those days Shah Naseer was the most famous master poet of Delhi. Zauq began showing his ghazals to Shah Naseer for improvement. Naseer recognized the natural talent and made him his pupil. Gradually, Zauq began participating in the mushairas. His natural bent of mind towards poetry coupled with his singular obsession to excel in the pursuit brought him fame and fortune. He would be better appreciated in the mushairas than his mentor. Shah Naseer got very annoyed with the growing popularity of Zauq. He threw him out of the group of his pupils. Zauq, thereafter, relied only on his talent and continued writing poetry with a vengeance. Another poet, Meer Kazim Husain Beqarar, a friend of Zauq's was appointed the mentor of the Crown Prince Zafar, who later ascended the throne. Through him Zauq could got the chance to enter the royal court. He also started participating in the royal mushairas. When Beqarar took up the job of Meer Munshi (Head Clerk) in the Office of John Elphinstone, Crown Prince Zafar appointed Zauq as his mentor with a monthly salary of Rs. 4- that was ultimately raised to Rs. 100- when Bahadur Shah Zafar ascended the throne. He remained the poet laureate of the Mughal Court till his death in 1854. Zauq’s reputation in Urdu poetry is because of his eulogies that reflect his command over the language and his expertise in composing poetry in extremely difficult meters. Since he got associated with the royal court right from his teens and remained there till his death, he had to write mostly eulogies to seek the patronage and rewards from the princes and the King. His mentor, Shah Naseer, would also pay attention only to the linguistic eloquence and mastery over prosody. Zauq also emulated the example of his mentor. Such style of poetry suits eulogy writing. Many critics regard him a great eulogy writer next only to Sauda. His ghazals also have some literary values. Since Bahadur Shah Zafar was fond of using simple and colloquial diction, Zauq too composed his ghazals using simple words, phrases of everyday use and similes rooted in the common culture. His ghazals are also notable for their spontaneity. Zauq was a deeply religious man. In his ghazals too he would deal with religious and ethical themes. Therefore, his ghazals lack lyricism and appear to be the verses of a preacher. Major portion of Zauq’s poetical output got lost because mutiny of 1857. Maulana Mohammed Husain Azad compiled a slim volume of his poetry with the help of his pupils like Hafiz, Veeran, Anwar and Zaheer that contains twelve hundred couplets of Ghazals and fifteen Eulogies