


献给他——既然他珍爱这些诗,也许不知不觉中发现了他自己的影子——我把这些诗献给他,我把它们献给他,我把它们献给他,我用眼泪把它们献给他。的确,在我看来,他简直就是我国王的理想骑士,他把自己的良心当作国王来尊敬;他的光荣在于纠正人类的错误;他不说谗言,也不听谗言。他只爱一个人,对她忠贞不渝——“她”——在他所有的王国之上,直到他们最后的岛屿,夹杂着即将来临的战争的阴霾,他的损失的阴影像日蚀一样笼罩着世界。我们失去了他,他走了,我们现在认识他了,所有狭隘的嫉妒都沉默了;当他行动时,我们看到他是多么谦虚,多么和蔼,多么多才多艺,多么聪明,多么崇高地克制自己,多么克制,多么温柔;不倾向于这个派别或那个派别的;不把他的高位当作野心勃勃的无法无天的高台,也不把它当作享乐的乐园;但在这漫长的岁月里,戴着洁白无瑕的生命之花,在千千万万凝视的小人儿面前,在照在宝座上的强光下,把每一个污点都弄黑:谁敢为独生子预示一个比他更可爱、更纯洁的生命呢? Or how should England dreaming of HIS sons Hope more for these than some inheritance Of such a life, a heart, a mind as thine, Thou noble Father of her Kings to be, Laborious for her people and her poor-- Voice in the rich dawn of an ampler day-- Far-sighted summoner of War and Waste To fruitful strifes and rivalries of peace-- Sweet nature gilded by the gracious gleam Of letters, dear to Science, dear to Art, Dear to thy land and ours, a Prince indeed, Beyond all titles, and a household name, Hereafter, through all times, Albert the Good. Break not, O woman's-heart, but still endure; Break not, for thou art Royal, but endure, Remembering all the beauty of that star Which shone so close beside Thee that ye made One light together, but has past and leaves The Crown a lonely splendour. May all love, His love, unseen but felt, o'ershadow Thee, The love of all Thy sons encompass Thee, The love of all Thy daughters cherish Thee, The love of all Thy people comfort Thee, Till God's love set Thee at his side again!